Gold and copper with best chances
To boost the economy, China is planning a large-scale expansion of high-speed rail on its rail network. By 2025, this line is to be extended by 12,000 kilometers to 50,000 kilometers. One kilometer will consume just over eight tons of copper. By 2035, the high-speed line is to be extended to 200,000 kilometers. In the areas of clean energy such as wind and solar energy, as well as electronics and electromobility, the economic metal copper is in increasing demand.
The value preservation vehicle gold is also increasingly in the focus of investors, especially since there is a lot going on geopolitically at the moment. An allegedly imminent military conflict, Russia could invade Ukraine, affects the risk appetite of investors. In addition, North Korea has now fired missiles once again in a fourth missile test this year. News that the United Arab Emirates has been attacked with drones also raises eyebrows. The price of gold usually benefits from such uncertainties, while they can often be only a rather short-term reaction. But in the longer term, the specter of inflation should provide good fundamentals for the gold price. And this specter is not only going around in this country, but also in Great Britain (inflation rose by 5.4 percent in December) or Canada (an increase of 4.8 percent). With the oil price extremely high at the same time, it should be worthwhile to bet on gold and copper or companies that own these commodities. For example, Aztec Minerals or Osisko Gold Royalties could be considered.
Aztec Minerals – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6PFpRjvfTo&t=14s – owns, among other things, a 75% interest in the historic Tombstone Silver District in Arizona and a 65% interest in the prospective Cervantes porphyry gold-copper project in Mexico.
Osisko Gold Royalties – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJM_VsIaxmw – could generate nearly 80,000 ounces of gold from its royalty and precious metal sales in 2021.
Latest corporate information and press releases from Osisko Gold Royalties (- https://www.resource-capital.ch/en/companies/osisko-gold-royalties-ltd/ -).
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