
New innovation hub for sectional warping in India

On 15 October 2021, the KARL MAYER Group in India had two reasons to celebrate: on the auspicious day of the Hindu festival celebrating "Dussehra". Its affiliated company, KARL MAYER Textile Machinery India Pvt. Ltd., paid homage to the Hindu Deity Satyanarayan and opened a new demo center at its site in Ahmedabad, in order to be even closer to the market and to its customers. The highlight of the new location for the presentation of machines is the ISOWARP. This powerful sectional warping machine is built in Ahmedabad to facilitate short delivery times and optimum spare parts supply to our customers. KARL MAYER Textile Machinery India delivered its first ISOWARP model with a working width of 3600 mm in October 2021.

The ISOWARP processes spun yarns and filament yarns and is particularly suitable for standard applications in the fields of apparel fabrics and home textiles. It is able to produce warp beams of exceptionally high quality and thus enables significant increases in quality and productivity in the weaving mill.

Interested parties can now see this for themselves in the new demo center. "We are looking forward to welcome our visitors. Our customers can come to us and see exactly how the ISOWARP works. We will show them the most important features of the machine in practical use and will be available for questions and discussions," explains Kevin Socha, Director at KARL MAYER Textile Machinery India Pvt. Ltd. The KARL MAYER India team and the ISOWARP will also be available in Ahmedabad for processing tests. This helps customers to test their pattern development and can help decide which products should go into bulk production, it can also be used for the preparation of warps for smaller production lengths.

The company also offers training for its customers‘ technical personnel. "Only with the right knowledge of the warp preparation process can the potential for competitive advantages be exploited," says Raja Poptani, General Manager Finance & Administration at KARL MAYER Textile Machinery India Pvt. Ltd. The training offer includes courses at the textile manufacturers‘ premises, but also qualification events with theoretical and practical parts in the, just opened, demo center on the ISOWARP.

And, of course, customers who opt for the high-performance sectional warping machine can benefit from the R&D know-how of the KARL MAYER Group and the support of its worldwide service organization. "We offer full support, from development to the finished pattern," says the KARL MAYER India Team.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

KARL MAYER Holding SE & Co. KG
Industriestraße 1
63179 Obertshausen
Telefon: +49 (6104) 402-0
Telefax: +49 (6104) 402-600

Ulrike Schlenker
Telefon: +49 (6104) 402-274
Fax: +49 (6104) 40273274
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