The demand for IBU-EPDs reaches a new high in 2021
“The huge rise in enquiries within a few years shows that sustainability has reached the construction industry and is widely practised “, says IBU Manager, Dr. Alexander Röder. In this connection EPDs are increasingly more often used in tenders. Architects and planning engineers fall back on them also to set up ecological assessments for buildings, in order to quantify and optimise the ecological footprint in this way. Building owners and investors, too, evaluate objects increasingly in this manner – and not only because the sustainability of buildings has become a generally accepted driver of the market value in the meantime.
As one of the internationally leading drivers for environmental product declarations in the construction industry, IBU has created basic prerequisites such that ecological aspects are incorporated into the assessment of sustainability of buildings. Thanks to their practical, scientific and political commitment, IBU has an industrial standard that established itself in all sections of the building industry. All EPDs of the IBU are based on international standards and are certified by independent third parties.
All EPDs published can be found at:
For further information please contact: Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V., Hegelplatz 1, 10117 Berlin, Tel.: +49 (0) 30 30 87 74 8 – 0, Fax: +49 (0) 30 30 87 74 8 – 29, E-Mail: info@ibu-epd.com sowie im Internet unter www.ibu-epd.com.
Founded in 1980 under the name Arbeitsgemeinschaft Umweltverträgliches Bauprodukt e.V. (AUB) and subsequently renamed the Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. (IBU), the IBU today has over 220 members from various sectors in the construction industry that are committed to sustainable construction. The IBU operates the leading international programme for environmental product declarations (EPDs) for the construction industry and is the leading organisation in Europe for building product declarations that conform to the European standard EN 15804. Its aim is to provide a cross-sector, independent information system for construction products and building components that sheds transparency on their environmental impact as well as provides independent information about the entire life cycle to all parties involved in construction. This independent source of information for construction products and building components ensures that the ecological factors can be taken into account in the sustainability assessment of buildings. With almost 40 years of commitment, the IBU has developed an industry standard that is now widely used in all areas of the construction industry. Over the years, this has given building product manufacturers a pioneering edge. The current focus is on closing the data gap between presenting the efficiency of resources within the scope of the recycling economy and the requirements of the European Green Deal.
Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V.
Hegelplatz 1
10117 Berlin
Telefon: +49 (30) 3087748-0
Telefax: +49 (30) 3087748-29