This small cable bag fits it all.
Headphones, adapters, power packs, charging cables, wireless earbuds – no matter what you have, this small cable bag fits it all. Inside are six mesh compartments in two practical sizes, and there’s also an outside pocket with a zip. The same partitioning also comes in a Go Urban business look, made of polyester in anthracite and black.
Cable organizer for electronic accessories, 1 compartment with 2-way-zipper and 6 mesh compartments in 2 different sizes, inside: 1 slit pocket, outside pocket with zip, imprint: adapter, headphones, charging cable, polyester, Grey
- Finally no more tangled cables! With the TROIKA BUSINESS TECH POUCH 2 your electronic accessories are organized on the go and you do not have to untangle them for hours
- Enough compartments provide clear storage space for adapters, headphones, charging cables…
- The polyester cable bag gives you a casual style in its anthracite / black look
- The BUSINESS TECH POUCH 2 fits comfortably in the hand thanks to its practical carrying handle.
What does one give to the modern man today? We constantly have more than 500 selected products in our range. From big to small, technology to design, absolutely trendy to wonderfully sentimental. High-quality, charming and innovative accessories for the modern man, at work or at home. And, not forgetting for today’s woman.
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:
Nisterfeld 11
57629 Müschenbach
Telefon: +49 (2662) 9511-0
Telefax: +49 (2662) 9511-92
Lara Kral
E-Mail: l.kral@troika.de
E-Mail: l.kral@troika.de
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