Backforce extends partnership with BIG to 2025
Achieving success for over two years together, we are delighted to share that Backforce will continue to have our backs for the future!
Back in September 2019, Backforce introduced us to a whole new level of comfort and quality. With their support, we have reached numerous heights in our competitive efforts as they had our back during our CS:GO team’s run to the top of the world rankings as well as multiple titles. Together we developed the BIG edition of the Backforce One – their flagship product – for the enjoyment of our fans, and embarked on the ambitious expansion into the European market.
Backforce is also an incredibly involved partner in our content creation, as they support and make content series such as “Backstage with Backforce”, “Backforce Mean Tweets” and “Back in Time with Backforce” possible. These series, along with many new activations, will continue as part of our extended partnership.
Both Backforce and BIG have committed early on to ensure the extension of our partnership as we are very happy with the past few years, and can’t wait to share all of our exciting activations we have in the pipeline with you!
Statement Daniel Finkler, CEO
I am very pleased that our partnership with Backforce has been extended prematurely until mid-2025 after three years of successful cooperation. High-quality and ergonomic gaming chairs are immensely important for our professional players and Backforce has managed to set new standards "Made in Germany" in this important market segment. In the past, especially during the lockdown period, we were able to celebrate our biggest achievements on Backforce chairs. Now we are looking forward to the coming years and a successful cooperation with the Head Of Backforce Stefan Krumme and the Interstuhl team from Tieringen. #GOBIG
Deutsch: Ich bin sehr glücklich, dass unsere Partnerschaft mit Backforce nach drei Jahren enger Zusammenarbeit vorzeitig bis Mitte 2025 verlängert wird. Qualitativ hochwertige und ergonomische Gaming-Stühle sind für unsere Profispieler immens wichtig und Backforce hat es geschafft in diesem Segment kontinuierlich neue Maßstäbe „Made in Germany“ zu setzen. Auf den Backforce – Stühlen konnten wir in der Vergangenheit, gerade während der Lockdown – Zeit, unsere größten Erfolge feiern. Wir freuen uns auf die kommenden Jahre und eine tolle Zusammenarbeit mit dem Head Of Backforce Stefan Krumme und dem Backforce Team. #GOBIG
Statement Stefan Krumme, Head of Backforce
We are happy to extend our contract with BIG 6 months early for another three years. We share a high trust and respect for the other organization. BIG has an unparalleled record of young talent promotion and being successful in multiple titles at once. Especially in these challenging times you see even more how important the personal chair is for professional players. It must be our goal to see the best performance and therefore players should have to choose their own equipment. We are looking forward to see BIG CS:GO in the Top10 soon – no pressure.
Deutsch: Wir freuen uns, die Partnerschaft mit BIG im höchstem gegenseitigen Vertrauen und Respekt mehr als 6 Monate vorzeitig um drei Jahre zu verlängern. BIG hat es wie kein anderes Team der Welt geschafft in den Nachwuchs zu investieren und in vielen Titeln gleichzeitig sehr erfolgreich zu sein. Gerade in der aktuellen Zeit konnte man sehen, wie wichtig der Stuhl als persönliches Equipment für Profispieler tatsächlich ist. Unser Ziel muss es sein, dass höchste Niveau zu erreichen, weshalb die Spieler auf allen Turnieren Ihr Sportgerät selber wählen sollten. Wir freuen uns auf BIG CS:GO in den TOP10 – no pressure.
About Backforce
BACKFORCE – a brand of Interstuhl Office Furniture GmbH & Co. KG, a successful family owned and operated company founded in 1961 and now one of the leading office furniture producers world wide – doesn’t just manufacture simple gaming chairs but high quality, unique looking, ergonomic sports equipment for the gamer and athlete of today.
MADE IN GERMANY, 10 Years Warranty, synchronous mechanism and customizability: BACKFORCE offers a very attractive mix of features that can otherwise only be found in higher price ranges. Reviewers and fans alike agree and give both the BACKFORCE ONE and BACKFORCE ONE PLUS rave reviews.
Since its creation in 2019, BACKFORCE has been and always will be a strong supporter and partner in both the gaming and (e)sports scene, partnering with teams such as BIG – Berlin International Gaming, GamerLegion and Ratiopharm Ulm.
With its recent expansion into Europe BACKFORCE is entering more markets and is changing the way people sit: an important piece of equipment that plays a big role in their success.
Berlin International Gaming, worldwide known as BIG, is one of the most successful European esport organizations. Currently, the German organization employs professional teams and players in eight different titles, including League of Legends, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Quake Champions, Trackmania, Valorant, StarCraft 2 and PUBG Mobile, each of which are among the best in Germany and Europe.
The organization’s flagship is the distinguished CS:GO team built around team captain Johannes "tabseN" Wodarz. With millions of spectators and crowded arenas, Counter-Strike is one of the hottest and most prestigious titles in sport. Since 2017, the German team has established itself among the world’s top teams and celebrates numerous respectable successes.
Besides acquiring a BLAST Premier Partner Slot in January 2021, BIG was able to purchase a partner slot within the elite ESL Pro League in October 2021 after a competitive bidding process. In total, BIG’s professional teams have won over USD 1,840,000 million in prize money to date.
Bigleet GmbH
Wilhelm-von-Siemens Straße 23
12277 Berlin
E-Mail: daniel.finkler@bigleet.com