Constructions by mycon lower energy costs through increasing energy efficiency
The efficient cleaning of heat exchangers decreases energy costs
Video: Automated JetMaster AS
We cannot change the rise of energy costs. Our cleaning method for heat exchangers, however, remarkably increase their energy efficiency and thus reduces their energy outlay when running constructions to up to 30%, in some cases even more.
Environment-friendliness, sustainability, combined with reduction of energy consumption – our methods render this possible.
The energy consumption for running heat exchangers amount to almost 25 % of the total energy consumption worldwide. Therefore, operating our heat exchanger cleaning methods JetBoy, JetBoy SP, JetMaster, JetMaster AS, TubeMaster and FluidMaster, can significantly help maintain energy efficiency. Our before-mentioned methods exclusively and thus gently work with low pressure (3-8 bar). In order to clean fin heat exchangers, we do not use chemicals but pressurized air and small amounts of water of roughly 0.1 – 1 liter per minute. This preserves water resources and the volume of sewage tremendously. The chemical-free cleaning of fin heat exchangers through nationally and internationally patented methods by mycon, preserves their surfaces and structure and thus prolongs their life span. This prevents high costs from buying new machines ahead of time and is, furthermore, beneficial for both the environment and sustainability.
Videos: JetMaster JetBoy SP JetBoy
Constant monitoring of heat exchangers via the monitoring algorithm ControlMaster determines the ideal cleaning time and increases the exchanger’s energy efficiency until reaching its maximum capacity.
Mycon, moreover, offers one further possibility for increase in efficiency of heat exchangers with the monitoring system ControlMaster. The algorithm which was developed as part of a Bafa-project in collaboration with Hamburg’s University for applied sciences, constantly monitors the heat exchangers’ efficiency and shows the respective, optimal cleaning time. The cleaning process can, thereupon, start automatically via JetMaster AS.
ControlMaster can also calculate the ROI of a mycon-construction on the basis of the respective customer’s available data of at least one year of operation. The ControlMaster-algorithm processes customer data in a fully automated manner. The calculation process for power plants of up to 30 megawatts thereby automatically goes on within few hours. This process can take longer with larger power plants. Mycon offers their complete calculation service including documentation for a temporary special offer price of 388 €.
Many customers, operating in the fields of industry, energy production, gas engineering, rails, building climatization and cooling, have been successfully using the mycon-methods – nationwide as well as internationally. Mycon’s mobile machines are also available for rent. Nationally and internationally, the company Kipp Umwelttechnik also offers cleaning services using machines by mycon.
Die mycon GmbH ist als Schwesterfirma des Dienstleistungsunternehmens Kipp Umwelttechnik GmbH in Entwicklung, Produktion und Vertrieb neuer Produkte und Automatisierungstechniken tätig.
Die mycon GmbH beliefert aktuell Kunden in ca. 40 Ländern.
Langjährige Erfahrungen aus dem Bereich Industrieservice führten zu mehreren Systementwicklungen und Patenten mit teilweise internationaler Geltung.
Die mycon GmbH betreut Kundengruppen aus den verschiedensten Industrie- und Dienstleistungsbereichen:
– Automobilindustrie
– Bahnen
– Bauindustrie und Gebäudesanierung
– Chemieindustrie
– Druckindustrie
– Elektroindustrie
– Müllverbrennungsanlagen / Entsorgungsbetriebe
– Gießereiindustrie
– Kommunale Betriebe
– Kraftwerksindustrie
– Kunststoffindustrie
– Lack- und Farbindustrie
– Lebensmittelindustrie
– Maschinenbau
– Öl- und Gasindustrie
– Stahlindustrie
– Textilindustrie
mycon GmbH
Senner Straße 156
33659 Bielefeld
Telefon: +49 (521) 329230 44
Telefax: +49 (521) 402482
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Fax: +49 (521) 402482