Neutral lightweight engineering – routes to a world in balance
Sustainable management of our planet’s resources can only be achieved by reducing consumption to the bare minimum. This does not necessarily require strict asceticism, but in any case a conscious use of the valuable materials that are only finitely available. The necessary approaches to thinking and solving this problem have been at the core of modern lightweight engineering since it was developed in Dresden in the early 1990s. Climate-friendly lightweighting technologies are one of the most powerful levers for the industrial future of our society in a social and ecological market economy. Already in 2017, the ILK has therefore committed itself to research environmentally neutral and globally fair product and process design with a view to neutral lightweight engineering.
At the 25th International Dresden Lightweight Engineering Symposium, we want to outline and discuss – after two pandemic years 2022 back face-to-face – the paths to a liveable future. Under the special bias of the anniversary, we are looking forward to numerous top-class lectures and more than 300 guests who will help to shape this still unwritten future of lightweight engineering. Particularly, we are looking forward to presentations that use concrete examples to show how we can use economic driving forces as catalysts for environmental protection and resource conservation in the future, thus creating a liveable and socially fairer world for the next generations. The symposium is all about forward-looking socio-eco-technical ideas and innovations that implement the triad of humans, technology and environment in an exemplary manner: this year’s motto is "Neutral lightweight engineering – Ways to a world in balance"!
For more information, visit the homepage of the Symposium or follow us on LinkedIN.
The Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology (ILK) is a research institution of the Faculty of Mechanical Science and Engineering and the "Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences of TU Dresden. A staff of around 240 carries out extensive research and development work in the field of resource-saving lightweight engineering with a high level of material and energy efficiency. The work at the ILK is based on the Dresden model of function-integrative lightweight engineering in multi-material design and follows a cross-material and cross-product approach. When developing new concepts, processes or products, the scientists of ILK consider the entire development chain: material – design – simulation – production – prototype testing – quality assurance – costs. By orienting their work on the concept of neutral lightweight design, they integrate not only the classical, technical and economic aspects, but also the ecological parameters and issues of our glo balized society at every stage of the development chain. The ILK is headed by a four-member board: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Maik Gude (Chair of Lightweight Design and Structural Assessment), Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Hubert Jäger (Chair of Lightweight Systems Engineering and Multi Material Design), Prof. Dr.-Ing Niels Modler (Chair of Function-integrative Lightweight Engineering) and Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Prof. E.h. Dr. h.c. Werner Hufenbach (Distinguished Senior Professorship).
Technische Universität Dresden – Institut für Leichtbau und Kunststofftechnik
Holbeinstraße 3
01307 Dresden
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E-Mail: info@leichtbausymposium.de