Now available in English: The only reference book on Natural Refrigerants
Eckert, Michael; Kauffeld, Michael; Siegismund, Volker (Eds.)
Natural Refrigerants: Applications and Practical Guidelines
LIV, 282 pages, softcover
59.- €
ISBN 978-3-8007-5330-7
- The only technical book on natural refrigerants
- Description of the conditions and legal requirements for the use of natural refrigerants
- Consideration of the economic and ecological aspects on the current state of the art
- Including examples of practical implementation
- Tables, pictures an diagrams facilitate understanding
The textbook presents the experiences and techniques of industrial refrigeration and transfers them to commercial refrigeration applications. The general conditions and legal requirements for the use of natural refrigerants, as well as the economic efficiency of the refrigeration systems are also considered and necessary additional knowledge for handling them is imparted. Tables, pictures and plant diagrams are used to show examples of practical implementation.
Michael Eckert has been an entrepreneur in the field of commercial and industrial refrigeration for more than 20 years. After his apprenticeship as a refrigeration technician, he studied Energy and Heat Engineering at the Giessen University of Applied Sciences. The refrigerant ammonia and its use in commercial refrigeration have occupied him since the beginning of his professional life.
Michael Kauffeld has been working in research and development of refrigeration systems with natural refrigerants for more than 30 years. Since 2002, he is researching and teaching at Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences. He also advises public and private institutions on the use of natural refrigerants.
Volker Siegismund has been dealing with refrigeration technology of natural refrigerants in professional practice, teaching and research for over 20 years. At the Biberach University of Applied Sciences, he taught and researched in the area of energy efficiency of CO2 refrigeration systems. Since 2016, he is teaching at the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University.
Target Audience: Planners, plant designers and operators of refrigeration and air conditioning systems, builders, architects, apprentices and students in the field of refrigeration, air conditioning, and heat pumping technology
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