Update of cxSupportPackage: AT 3D Sensor Integration Easier Now
These tools include cxExplorer, cxDiscover, cxShow3D and cxSDK, whereby the last one in particular, which contains all the libraries for communication with the 3D camera, has been significantly expanded. With the latest version, AT has revised the so-called wrappers so that the connection in programming languages such as Python, C++ or C# is even easier now. And there have also been enhancements with regard to the compatibility of MultiPart support for AT’s new C6 series.
In addition, the new cxSupportPackage optimizes the cxExplorer tool, which is used for easy commissioning and configuration of the 3D sensors. One of the new features is the integration of a standardized file upload and download of data containers that contain all measurement data and the sensor configuration. This can be used, for example, to save configurations of the sensor on the PC or customer-specific configuration and calibration on the 3D sensor. With the latest revision of its software support in the 3D sector, AT – Automation Technology has thus been able to simplify the use of its sensors even further, which will also save the customer significantly more time in the future.
Automation Technology is a global market leader and fast-growing technology company in the field of special imaging sensor technology based in Bad Oldesloe, conveniently located between Hamburg and Lübeck. We develop and produce intelligent infrared cameras, high-precision 3D sensors and unique sensor solutions that are used in industrial process automation and monitoring and inspection tasks worldwide. With over 20 years of application experience in a wide range of industries from automotive to plastics processing to electronics, we offer innovative products that are optimally tailored to practical applications and are reliable to the highest degree. A dense network of global sales and service partners ensures individual advice as well as perfect service and support for our international customers.
AT – Automation Technology GmbH
Hermann-Bössow-Straße 6-8
23843 Bad Oldesloe
Telefon: +49 (4531) 88011-0
Telefax: +49 (4531) 88011-20
E-Mail: Nina.Claassen@AutomationTechnology.de