12th EASN Conference. ILK Session „Multi-material design and function integration of composites“ (Konferenz | Barcelona)
In the framework of the 12th EASN International Conference, which will be held with physical participation in Barcelona on October 18th to 21st 2022, Dr. Angelos Filippatos from TU Dresden, organizes a session entitled „Multi-material design and function integration of composites“.
New materials and processes expand the design capabilities of multi-material structures, especially of composite structures. Research in the area of multi-material design and function-integration is becoming of great interest with new functions, from traditional sensing and actuating functions up to new challenges, e.g. to integrating recyclability as a function to mechanical systems.
The aim of the session is to discuss new challenges for multi-material design and function-integration in the aerospace on the example of selected contributions. In particular, the subjects include but are not limited to:
- Progress on multi-material design approaches
- Simulation tools for detailed function-integration design
- Manufacturing of composites with multiple functions
Holding this session in Barcelona is a great chance for our network to have an important presence in EASN Conference!
Related Links:
- 12th EASN International Conference
- Follow EASN by Twitter or LinkedIN
- Dresden Center for Intelligent Materials (DCIM) der TU Dresden
- Follow DCIM by Twitter and LinkedIN
Eventdatum: 18.10.22 – 21.10.22
Eventort: Barcelona
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung:
Technische Universität Dresden – Institut für Leichtbau und Kunststofftechnik
Holbeinstraße 3
01307 Dresden
Telefon: +49 (351) 463-0
Telefax: +49 (351) 463 381 43
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