21st Wind & Solar Integration Workshop (Konferenz | Den Haag)
21st Wind & Solar Integration Workshop – 12 – 14 October 2022 – Delft / The Hague, Netherlands
Special Topics: Sector Coupling & Storage
The 21st Wind & Solar Integration Workshop from 10 – 14 October in Delft / The Hague will feature a wide range of topics from resilience, grid forming and forecasting to hybrid power systems and micro grids, with the 2022 special topics of sector coupling and storage.
This year, the topic of hydrogen will also be more strongly represented at the Wind & Solar Integration Workshop. The main objective of the Wind & Solar Integration Workshop is to stimulate interdisciplinary thinking between industry and academia by providing a platform for discussion and for sharing ideas and knowledge regarding the key issues in the field of large-scale integration of renewable energies. Participants will benefit from numerous presentations on international case studies and lessons learned.
Find further information on the workshop website: https://windintegrationworkshop.org/
THE CALL FOR PAPERS IS OPEN UNTIL 15 MAY 2022: https://windintegrationworkshop.org/callforpapers/
Special Topic will be Sector Coupling and Storage – find all information on those and all other proposed topics like Grid Forming, Distribution Grid Issues, Ancillary Services, Transmission Grid/Power System Issues, Smart Grid/IT Innovations,… on the website. This year’s Call for Papers also includes Hydrogen Topics.
The Renewable Energy Grid Integration Week comprises three high-quality conferences on grid integration of renewable energies in one week and attracts participants from all over the world.
6th E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium on 10 Oct 2022: https://mobilityintegrationsymposium.org
1st Hydrogen Power System Integration Symposium on 11 Oct 2022 – NO Call for Papers / Invited Speakers only:
21st Wind & Solar Integration Workshop, 12 – 14 Oct 2022 with special topics Sector Coupling & Storage. Call for Papers also includes Hydrogen Topics:
The conference series takes place in a different location each year highlighting that region’s particular grid integration issues in keynotes and presentations throughout the week.
Thus, the conferences are designed to provide a platform for power system operators, transmission and distribution grid operators, wind turbine, gas turbine and solar inverter manufacturers, electrolyzer and fuel cells as well as and charging station manufacturers, universities and research institutes, and consulting companies to exchange technical and economic developments.
The presentations on research work, practical experience and ongoing as well as concluded projects are based on a Call for Papers and invited papers.
With several accompanying events such as the networking poster sessions, the solar and wind networking dinner, study trips and tutorials, the renewable energy conference series provides not only a great learning experience but also the perfect opportunity for energy experts to network with their peers from all around the world.
After release of the agenda, online registration for the events will be available on the respective websites. In order to attend, fee-based registration must be finalized via the event website.
Eventdatum: 12.10.22 – 14.10.22
Eventort: Den Haag
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung:
Energynautics GmbH
Robert-Bosch-Straße 7
64293 Darmstadt
Telefon: +49 (6151) 78581-00
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