BobCAD-CAM – a real team player, absolutely budget-friendly
New versions are released and available for download:
BobCAD-CAM V34 Update – SP2
BobCAM for SOLIDWORKS® V9 Update – SP3
BobCAM for Rhino® V2 Update – SP2
(Free of charge for customers with active software maintenance)
CAM data exchange between the different platforms is enabled via the new *. bbcdx format.
New functionalities – a small excerpt:
Detect open edges
The new workflow improves productivity and provides a better user experience for optimizing CNC machining cycles and toolpath creation.
With the new deburring feature, you can automatically create a toolpath to trim complex edges or apply chamfers/bridges to the edges of your parts.
Conversion from 3 to 5 axes
BobCAD-CAM now allows you to convert your 3-axis toolpaths to 5-axis movements in order to use short, rigid tools in areas that could not be reached with a 3-axis movement.
Port Machining
BobCAD-CAM’s new Port Machining operation allows you to machine complex interior geometries with ease and precision.
With BobCAD-CAM, the entire workflow succeeds within one program, from the design of the part geometry, the programming of the toolpaths, the simulation of the entire machining, to the transfer of the data to the machine tool. The clear menu structure and effective toolpath strategies support you in the fast, error-free creation of even the most complex NC programs.
BobCAD-CAM is modular and can grow with your CAM requirements.
The fast, efficient and budget-friendly way from design to finished product.
Trial versions for all programs can be downloaded free of charge from https://www.bobcad-europe.com
DataCAD Software & Services GmbH, founded in 1998, is a leading provider of technical software solutions for industry. The company’s goal is to offer affordable software for a variety of different industries such as automotive and aircraft construction, mold and toolmakers, general manufacturing, prototype construction, woodworking, jewelry design, arts and crafts, hobbies and education.
You can find more information at www.datacad.de
DataCAD Software und Service GmbH
Gutlay 4
55545 Bad Kreuznach
Telefon: +49 (671) 8363-10
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E-Mail: claudia.sohler@datacad.de