Bauen & Wohnen

Kata – Design By Altherr Désile Park, 2021

Lightweight in form and environmental footprint, Kata is designed with circular sustainability at its core. Arper’s first solid wood lounge chair, Kata takes inspiration from artisan-made wood and woven straw chairs and reimagines the near universal typology using contemporary, sustainable solutions in an expression that’s both graphic and warm. Kata finds form in juxtaposition-an evocative gesture in the movement between material presence and minimal silhouette, softness and strength, tradition and technology.

The Kata lounge chair is a union of traditional craftsmanship and soft technology. An oak and black locust FSC certified wooden frame supports a tailor-made 3D knit textile. The knit cover is created from recycled polyester made from post-consumer plastic that is converted into durable and lightweight fibers. The knit technology is formed to fit the frame, avoiding leftover material waste found in traditional manufacturing. The unified seat and back structure is available in a graphic-patterned 3D knit with internal micro-padding in natural tones of linen, wheat, or charcoal, or a lightweight 3D knit in parallel striped pattern in a choice of colors: water, wheat, or charcoal – also suitable for outdoor use. Additional loose seat and back cushions finishes can be customized in both Arper’s complete fabric catalogue and in graphic-patterned 3D Knit.

Sustainability in Kata was not an afterthought on process, but rather a core impetus for the design itself. Firstly, the recycled polyester used is made from post-consumer plastic. Roughly 1-kilo of waste – or about 48 half PET bottles – is used to produce 1-kilo of yarn. Not only does this mean that there is less plastic going into landfills, the process also uses much less energy than producing virgin polyester and supports the recycling system by providing yet another commercial application for recycled goods. Kata uses hardwood timber from certificated FSC production, meaning that it will last a very long time ensuring the longevity of the product. The varnish used on wood is water-based. Additionally, recyclable plastic and lightweight cardboard, made without glue, are used for shipping. Kata can be entirely disassembled and recycled.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Arper SPA
Via Lombardia, 16
I31050 Monastier di Treviso (TV)
Telefon: +39 (0422) 7918
Telefax: +39 (0422) 791800

Hannah Knospe
Telefon: +49 (221) 9139490
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