Networking evolved – Moxa introduces new flagship managed switch
Moxa introduced new flagship EDS-4000/G4000 Series portfolio of Ethernet switches which help build futureproof industrial networks to strengthen operational resilience in industrial spaces such as power, transportation, maritime, and factory automation.
While OT/IT convergence is accelerating, enhanced network security, high performance, strong reliability, and advanced usability become paramount to building next-generation industrial networks that strengthen operational resilience.
- Industry-leading Network Security:
The world’s first IEC 62443-4-2 certified Ethernet switches, certified by IECEE due to the built-in hardened security that was developed by following the stringent software development lifecycle described in the standard, help create a secure network foundation to safeguard and futureproof industrial operations. - Unprecedented Performance for Mass Deployments:
As the number of connected devices in industrial operations grows exponentially, the EDS-4000/G4000 Series provides multiple interface combinations with up to 14 ports and a range of options including fast Ethernet, Gigabit, 2.5GbE uplinks, SFP, and IEEE 802.3bt PoE connectivity. This enables customers to connect more devices especially in applications that require high-power and high-bandwidth networking. - Multiple Industrial Certifications:
The EDS-4000/G4000 Series is certified for NEMA TS2, EN 50121-4, IEC 61850-3/IEEE 16132, DNV2, ATEX Zone 23, Class I Division 23, to fulfill the needs of a wide variety of industrial applications, features Turbo Ring and Turbo Chain fast network recovery to ensure smooth operations. - Advanced Usability: The improved web GUI provides a more intuitive way for users to perform configurations and network management. The rotatable power module offers flexibility to field engineers when they are installing devices and maintaining the network.
- Learn more:
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:
Moxa Europe GmbH
Einsteinstraße 7
85716 Unterschleissheim
Telefon: +49 (89) 3700399-0
Telefax: +49 (89) 3700399-99
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