The history of silver mines
Around 3,000 BC, the history of silver mines begins. Especially the advanced civilizations in Crete and Greece wanted silver. About 100 years after Christ, the Laurium mines are the largest source of silver. Later, Spanish silver was discovered and mined. In addition, silver was also produced in Austria, Hungary and Germany. Today, Mexico is the most important silver producing country. Between the 16th and 19th centuries AD, many mines were established by the Spanish conquerors in Bolivia, Peru and Mexico. Later, large silver properties were found in the USA, as well as in Australia, Canada, Chile, Africa or Japan. Today, the main silver producing country, Mexico, is followed by Peru, Chile, China and Russia. Australia, Poland, Bolivia and the USA follow in the ranking of producing countries.
If we look again at the history of silver, technical progress from about 1920 onwards meant that silver could be extracted from other ores. This increased the amount of silver produced. Today, silver is mostly extracted as a by-product in the production of copper, zinc or lead.
Denarius Metals – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1z3_U98lJ8 -, for example, owns silver, gold, copper, zinc and lead in its projects. The projects are located in Spain and Colombia. Good drilling results are available. Silver is an important metal today, in industry and for investors. Gold’s so-called little brother could perhaps even surpass its big brother in performance due to its many applications in industry.
MAG Silver – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtGsZHUDlbo – is active in the silver country Mexico. MAG Silver produces silver and gold together with its partner Fresnillo at the Juanicipio project. MAG Silver has just acquired Gatling Exploration, thus the Larder gold project in the Abitibi greenstone belt in Ontario, Canada.
Current corporate information and press releases from Denarius Metals (- https://www.resource-capital.ch/en/companies/denarius-metals-corp/ -) and MAG Silver (- https://www.resource-capital.ch/en/companies/mag-silver-corp/ -).
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