The wind picks up: Good start into 2022 for renewables at 3U
3U’s wind turbines no longer receive any income under the German Renewable Energy Act (EEG). The electricity generated is being commercialised by way of individual power purchase agreements (PPAs) with utilities. The 3U Management Board was able to secure favourable conditions for electricity deliveries in 2022 and in some cases already for 2023, thanks to which average revenues above the former feed-in tariff will be achieved.
“Obviously, the business of electricity generation from wind and sun is dependent on the weather conditions. But becoming independent of fossil fuels: That is crucial to combating climate change. At the same time, the further expansion of renewable energies is also the key to energy self-sufficiency, to greater independence from coal, oil and gas supplies from abroad,” Uwe Knoke, CFO of 3U HOLDING AG, is convinced. “Within the scope of our possibilities, we at 3U are also making our contribution to achieving these goals.”
3U HOLDING’s portfolio includes 3 wind farms with a combined nominal capacity of around 43 MW, a photovoltaic power plant with a nominal capacity of around 10 MWp, as well as a number of smaller solar power plants.
3U HOLDING AG ( has its headquarters in Marburg, Germany, and was founded in 1997. It is the operating management and investment holding company at the head of the 3U Group. It acquires, operates and sells companies in the three segments of ITC (Information and Telecommunications Technology), Renewable Energies and SHAC (Sanitary, Heating and Air Conditioning Technology). The 3U Group has successful and profitable business models based on megatrends in all three segments. It continues to expand its business activities dynamically, particularly in its strongest growth areas of cloud computing and online trading, in which it is striving to achieve leading positions in the market.
3U HOLDING AG’s shares are traded on XETRA, Tradegate and on the German regional stock exchanges (ISIN: DE0005167902; identifier: UUU).
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