Titanium Ti60 F225 development board from Efinix
Available now from TRS-STAR, the Titanium Ti60 F225 development board with pre-installed demos from Efinix gives developers a quick start into the Internet of Things. The kit captures video data with the included Raspberry Pi camera module, which is then processed in the Ti60 FPGA. The result can then be streamed on the included Mini DSI display. The included camera and DSI converter cards support the operation of up to two cameras and two displays. Additional components can be easily connected with the I/O expansion card included in the kit. The user receives a licence for the Efinity® software with upgrades for one year with the board. The software provides a complete toolflow from RTL design to bitstream generation, including synthesis, place-and-route, debugging and timing analysis. The package includes the Ti60 FPGA in a FineLine BGA package, 256 MB of HyperRAM memory with x16 bits, 200 MHz maximum clock speed and up to 400 Mbps double data rate, and an SPI NOR flash memory. With the three MIPI, LVDS and GPIO high-speed connectors, it is possible to connect the boards already included in the kit or custom boards. In addition to the micro SD card slot, a USB v3.0 interface and a USB Type-C port are available for programming the flash memory or the Ti60 FPGA with Efinity® software. Four push-button switches and two DIP switches can be individually assigned. Power is supplied via a 12.0 V connection. The scope of delivery also includes a MIPI and LVDS expansion board as well as spacers with screws and nuts and 18 jumpers. The Ti60 FPGA is available in various space-saving packages, such as the Ti60 F100. This already includes the HyperRAM and SPI NOR flash memory. The Ti60 F225 Development Board has the same size of HyperRAM memory as the F100. This allows designs to be prototyped on the development board and then easily transferred to the F100 for production.
For more information, please contact info@trs-star.com.
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E-Mail: edgar.huber@marcom360.de
Telefon: +49 (7083) 933745
E-Mail: edgar.huber@marcom360.de
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