Update Factoring: THE Update for the Factoring-Community!
At this year’s Update Factoring event, numerous practical examples will be shown and solutions for daily practice will be communicated. Benefit from current trends as well as take-away values on the focus topic "Digitalization & Sustainability". A must-have exchange with practitioners, leading experts from supervision, practice and consulting.
You will take home numerous new ideas and food for thought!
Update Factoring
23rd of march 2022, from 9 a.m.
09:00 – 09:10 a.m. Welcome and start of the symposium
Leader of the conference: Thorsten König
09:10 – 10:00 Uhr Current developments in the context of KWG supervision Robert Bosch
Proportionality – a perennial issue
Minimum requirements for risk management (MaRisk)
Sustainability risks
10:00 – 10:10 a.m. coffee-time
10:10 – 10:55 a.m. MaRisk-Novelle: Effects on practice Dirk Holzheimer
Essential innovations of the MaRisk
Effects on Factoring Institutions
Summary and outlook
10:55 – 11:40 a.m. Sustainability-Linked transactions in the praxis Wolfgang Reiser
What is the difference between Green Factoring and Sustainability-Linked Factoring?
Why sustainability-linked factoring will prevail
Which KPIs are useful
How to prevent greenwashing
11:40 – 11:50 a.m. coffee-break
11:50 – 12:20 a.m. Factoring – Opportunities and implementation of contemporary sales financing Daniel Bischof
Insights into the study "Factoring for the New Era – New Perspectives through Digitalization and Platforms" conducted jointly with F.A.Z. Business Media
Current developments and trends in factoring
12:20 – 13:20 p.m. lunchbreak
13:20 – 13:55 p.m Practical implementation of ESG criteria in the supply chain Tanja Reilly & Markus Wohlgeschaffen
ESG is all the rage – but what should we mean by it?
Do we need sustainability in the supply chain and if so, can we control it?
Just questions? Not at all! Good practice example on sustainability A look into the future: everything will be green?
13:55 – 14:35 p.m. Panel-Discussion: Digitalization & sustainability: Current hot topics in factoring Moderation: Thorsten König Participants: Wolfgang Reiser, Dennis Wallenda, Tanja Reilly, Holger Pfund and Daniel Bischof Are we already digital? And what does the customer actually want?
Sustainability: Hip or Hype?
14:35 – 14:45 p.m. coffee-break
14:45 – 15:30 p.m. "Economic developments & outlook since the Covid-19 pandemic" Max Dingermann.
Crisis characteristics & initial situation
Macroeconomic framework conditions
Insolvency developments & outlook
Industry focus – current performance & outlook for the factoring relevant industries
15:30 p.m. End of the symposium and summary of the results
The Agenda:
All people who register via this link will receive a 10% discount.
More Infos under:
#factoring #finanzierung #reversefactoring #greenfinance
About FORUM Institut für Management GmbH:
FORUM – Institut für Management GmbH – founded in Heidelberg in 1979 – develops and implements continuing education events for specialists and executives in business, administration and other organizations. In addition to industry-specific seminars, conferences and courses, including for the pharmaceutical industry, insurance companies, banks and the energy sector, the FORUM Institute also imparts functional knowledge ranging from finance and accounting to IT management, intellectual property, human resources, law and marketing/sales. High-quality and flexible e-learning offerings and online seminars round off the range of continuing education courses.
Traxpay ist eine schnell wachsende Online-Plattform für Lieferantenfinanzierung, die mit einem Multibanken-Ansatz aus Europa heraus global agiert und schon heute Lieferanten in über 30 Ländern bedient. Mit der Mission, die „Platform of Choice“ für Käufer, Lieferanten und Banken zu werden, ermöglicht Traxpay Unternehmen ein einfaches, sicheres und nachhaltiges Working Capital Management mit allen gängigen Instrumenten der Lieferkettenfinanzierung.
Etablierte Finanzinstitute wie die Deutsche Bank, Nord/LB, LBBW, Raiffeisen Bank International und die KfW IPEX-Bank vertrauen der Finanzierungslösung von Traxpay und pflegen strategische Partnerschaften mit dem Unternehmen. Durch ein neues Sustainable-Supply-Chain-Finance-Programm können Plattformnutzer die Nachhaltigkeit ihrer Lieferketten finanziell incentivieren.
Traxpay GmbH
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60327 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon: +49 (69) 597 721 535
Head of Marketing and Communications
Telefon: +49 (69) 5977215-34
E-Mail: birgit.hass@traxpay.com