„Because we have a responsibility“ – noventum develops sustainability concept and signs Microsoft Partner Pledge
Sustainability as a central theme of the IT industry
"As a Microsoft partner based in Germany, we share Microsoft’s global vision of empowering every person and every business on the planet to achieve more. Together, Microsoft and its partner network can and already do shape many things."
This is the beginning of the statement that noventum and many other companies have signed. The companies share with Microsoft the enthusiasm for the possibilities of transformative technologies and their benefits for partners, common customers as well as society as a whole. At the same time, they are aware of the scope that the associated industrial change entails. The statement defines 5 sub-points that Microsoft and its partners are aligned to achieve: Innovation – Trust – Sustainability – Culture – Empowerment.
We are Digital Optimists – for 25 years
The consultants at noventum call themselves "digital optimists" and have been putting this phrase into practice in their corporate culture for many years. The noventum company mission states: "We bring optimism into the digital working world and design IT and organisation in the sense of people and for the benefit of our customers. " noventum Managing Director Uwe Rotermund is pleased: "With this, we formulated a claim for ourselves years ago that can also be found today in the Microsoft "Act to accelerate". As a Microsoft Gold Partner, we are happy to sign this statement!"
Read the complete article at nc360°, the Info-Platform of noventum consulting.
noventum consulting GmbH is an international IT management consultancy.
Founded in 1996 in Münster, today noventum is represented in Münster and Düsseldorf with more than 100 employees. An independent noventum partner company works in Luxembourg.
The managing partner is Uwe Rotermund.
noventum consulting supports its customers in their IT challenges and in their efforts for a modern corporate culture.
Customers are predominantly DAX companies as well as medium-sized companies and organizations with a large IT infrastructure.
noventum consulting GmbH
Münsterstraße 111
48155 Münster
Telefon: +49 (2506) 9302-0
Telefax: +49 (2506) 9302-23
Telefon: +49 (2506) 9302-0
E-Mail: matthias.rensing@noventum.de
Telefon: +49 (2506) 93020
E-Mail: frank.petersen@noventum.de