Blackstone Resources AG receives extension for filing date of audited Annual Report 2021
As previously reported, the previous auditors Moore Stephens Expert (Zurich) AG have terminated their mandate for Blackstone Resources AG untimely in a letter dated 18.3.22. The consolidated financial statements 2021 can only be published after receipt of an audit opinion. Blackstone Resources AG is therefore already in final discussions with various auditing firms and hopes to announce a new mandate soon.
On March 23, 2022, Blackstone Resources AG requested SIX Exchange Regulation AG to be able to file the Annual Report 2021 until July 31, 2022 as part of the extension of the deadline.
As a result, SIX Exchange Regulation AG today granted the following temporary authorization:
The exemption from maintenance obligations and thus the postponement of the publication of the Annual Report 2021 as well as the submission of this report to SIX Exchange Regulation AG until Sunday, 31 July 2022 at the latest is approved subject to the following reservation (lit. a) and conditions (lit. b):
a. SIX Exchange Regulation AG reserves the right to temporarily suspend trading in the securities of Blackstone if it does not publish and submit its Annual Report 2021 to SIX Exchange Regulation AG by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, 31 July 2022 at the latest in accordance with the provisions on ad hoc publicity (Art. 53 Listing Rules in conjunction with the Directive on Ad Hoc Publicity.
b. Blackstone must publish a media release regarding the present decision by 7:30 a.m. on Tuesday, 26 April 2022 at the latest, in accordance with the provisions on ad hoc publicity (Art. 53 Listing Rules in conjunction with the Directive on Ad Hoc Publicity). This media release shall:
- contain the full text of Section I of the present decision in a prominent place;
- mention the reasons for the postponement of the publication and submission of the Annual Report 2021;
- state the unaudited key figures such as net sales, EBITDA, EBIT, net profit/loss, total assets, shareholders‘ equity, etc. in relation to the 2021 financial results.
In accordance with the requirements of SIX Exchange Regulation AG, we hereby disclose the unaudited consolidated key performance indicators of Blackstone Resources AG Group for the year 2021:
Net sales: CHF 49,166,980
EBITDA: CHF 42,905,293
EBIT: CHF 41,612,696
Net profit: CHF 15,446,228
Balance sheet total: CHF 163,846,692
Equity: CHF 56,443,659
Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR
Blackstone Resources is a Swiss Holding Company, with its legal domicile in Baar, Kanton Zug, and is concentrating on the battery technology and battery-metals market and offers direct exposure to the battery-technology revolution.
Presently, Blackstone Technology GmbH has build up a production-line for small series of 3D printed batteries in Döbeln, Saxony, Germany. The short-term production will be pouch-cells with the Blackstone Thick Layer Technology TM which allows a 20% higher energy density in lithium-ion cells, Blackstone Resources continues the program of development in solid state batteries and its production process.
Electric vehicles and batteries have driven the demand for large quantities of various metals. Therefore, Blackstone Resources explores, develops and trades battery-metals such as lithium, cobalt, manganese, graphite, nickel and copper.
Blackstone Resources AG
Blegistrasse 5
CH6340 Baar
Telefon: +41 (41) 44961-63
Telefax: +41 (41) 44961-69
Telefon: +41 41 449 61 63