Coherent 4mm PAVOS + and 4 mm PAVOS + Ultra Faraday Rotators and Isolators
Coherent has expanded the company’s PAVOS family of Faraday rotators and isolators with new models featuring a 4 mm clear aperture. Designed to meet the demanding performance required from today’s solid-state lasers, the new 4 mm PAVOS + and 4 mm PAVOS + Ultra are ideal for preventing optical feedback and back reflections. The standard PAVOS + devices are specified for use with up to 50 W of laser power while our PAVOS + Ultra is rated for high power applications up to 150 W.
Both the PAVOS + and the PAVOS + Ultra are available as a rotator or integrated with input and output crossed polarizers to provide >33 dB of isolation while maintaining very high (>95%) transmission., thanks in part of their use of optically contact PBS cubes.
Our PAVOS + and PAVOS + Ultra isolators contain rejected beam escape ports and are adjustable to handle any angle of linear input polarization without additional optics. The new 4 mm PAVOS + and PAVOS + Ultra are competitively priced in small quantity or high volumes making it an ideal candidate for system integration or lab use.
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:
Dieselstr. 5b
64807 Dieburg
Telefon: +49 (6071) 968-0
Telefax: +49 (6071) 968-499
Petra Wallenta
PR Europa
Telefon: +49 (6071) 968-0
Fax: +49 (40) 73363-4138
E-Mail: petra.wallenta@coherent.com
PR Europa
Telefon: +49 (6071) 968-0
Fax: +49 (40) 73363-4138
E-Mail: petra.wallenta@coherent.com
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