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First cohort of the Advanced Materials Lab incubator starts today – April 1st 2022!

The first cohort for the Advanced Materials Lab (AdMaLab) incubator began on the 1st of April 2022! 5 teams with ideas ranging from Direct Air Carbon Capture, AI-based analysis of Microscopy Images and novel battery anode materials are set to begin their 12 month AdMaLab journey. During this time, they will develop their product at the newly opened IRIS lab at Humboldt University Berlin under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Emil J.W. List-Kratochvil and his team!

The AdMaLab program goes further than just providing technical mentoring to these early stage ideas. The startups take part in a total of 46 hours of workshops throughout the 12 months of the program which provide them with the necessary business and marketing skills required to successfully found a startup. They are supported through all the initial hurdles of establishing a company and have access to INAM’s vast network of technical experts working for large corporations. Throughout the program, stipends are also provided to the founders and they can make use of a co-working space hosted at the INAM office!

INAM hosted the 5 startup teams for AdMaLab Welcome Day on April 1st 2022 at the INAM office! Alongside first introductions amongst the teams and INAM, the Welcome Day event provided the teams with all the information they would need regarding the operational front of the program.The second cohort for the Advanced Materials Lab starts in June 2022! Apply now if you have an scientific idea you would like to turn into a startup! Applications are open until the 31st of April 2022 at:

Stay tuned for further details on these startups next week and the ideas they will be developing during their time in the AdMaLab incubator!

Über Innovation Network for Advanced Materials e. V.

INAM, the Innovation Network for Advanced Materials, is a global network of companies and research institutesin the field of Advanced Materials. INAM’s goal is to enable the right connections and make technological innovations become reality. By working closely with startups, SMEs, corporations and research institutes INAM starts, grows and transforms the development of Advanced Materials.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Innovation Network for Advanced Materials e. V.
Ziegelstr. 30
10117 Berlin
Telefon: +49 30 2359 6260

Taha Adnan
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