It system changes are always also social processes
Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP project "Unity" is the most extensive project in the company’s history
After the merger of the companies Coler, Busch and Hennig under the umbrella of Alliance Automotive Germany GmbH (AAGG), the company set itself the task of establishing an ERP platform for all subsidiaries involved. The technical basis is the Microsoft Dynamics 365 solution and the overall project name "Project Unity" documented from the beginning that for AAGG it is about more than just technical standardisation Christina Middelberg, HR Manager and Marius Fronholt, IT Manager Germany, reported on the workshop and the communicative aspects of the important project in an nc360° interview.
Technology change as the key to cultural identity formation
Uniform IT systems are supposed to generate cost savings and synergies in mergers or strategic cooperations. However, there are not only economic advantages in uniform systems, but also a growing human cohesion is expressed in common tools.
Those responsible at Alliance Automotive Group Germany (AAGG) wanted to ensure that future users would actively support their ongoing project of merging various ERP systems (including Sage and Navision) in the Microsoft 365 Cloud through the new project component "Change Management". The future users – that is all 1,650 employees in Germany who will use a common tool in the future. Other AAG national companies are already on the same path, so the standardisation effects are cross-border.
Communication as the key: Preparing change management
The noventum change management workshop format provided the framework for the 14 participating AAGG managers. On the one hand, this intensive format enables them to penetrate the scope and necessity of change management using their own project as an example and, on the other hand, to develop a common concept of change management as a team.
Read the complete article on nc360°, the news platform of noventum consuling.
noventum consulting GmbH is an international IT management consultancy.
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