New Laser Wavelengths for Microscopy and Measurement & Processing
We highlight our Lasers for Biophotonics and Industrial Measurement and Processing of this year’s LASER World of PHOTONICS. More live demos for Quantum Technology can be expected at our booth.
FemtoFiber ultra 1050 & 780 – Femtosecond fiber laser for 2-photon applications
The revised systems FemtoFiber ultra 780 and 1050 are now fully in line with the successful FemtoFiber ultra 920 from system design. This not only reduces the footprint of the laser systems, but also expands the GDD and optional AOM features to these models, as it is known from the FemtoFiber ultra 920. Furthermore, the FemtoFiber ultra 780 has also got a real boost in power, of up to 1.5W, which is three times more than the predecessor system offered and this is also quite unique for a fiber laser-based system at 780nm!
FemtoFiber vario 1030 HP – Femtosecond fiber laser for 2-photon optogenetics and neuroscience
Two-photon Optogenetics based on holography is what you do? The FemtoFiber vario 1030 HP offers sufficient peak power, integrated power control and dispersion compensation to excite more than 200 neurons, simultaneously.
iChrome FLE – Flexible Multi-Color Laser Combiner
Our iChrome FLE is now available as a standard product, with up to 7 laser lines for all important fluorophores from 405 to 785 nm.
PicoFYb 1030 & 1064 – Cost-effective industrial quality fiber seed laser
The new generation of our pico second seeders PicoFYb 1030 and PicoFYb 1064 is allowing our customers to get German quality for an even more competitive price. The system is fully down compatible for all interfaces (optical, electrical, mechanical) with our predecessor model, which grants as easy integration as usual!
TopWave 405 – 1 W @ 405nm
With the TopWave 405 TOPTICA is offering a powerful, yet highly efficient all-diode laser for lithography and holography applications. While the key specifications of the currently used, legacy Kr+ gas lasers are matched or exceeded, the cost of ownership is reduced by 70 %.
TopWave 229 & 257 – Industrial CW Laser for DUV Raman and Semicon Metrology
Our industrial Deep UV product portfolio has been extended by two new wavelengths. Besides 266 nm the TopWave DUV is now available at 229 nm and 257 nm.
TeraFlash smart – Ultrafast Time-Domain Terahertz Platform
The TeraFlash smart (the fastest TD-THz platform presently on the market) combined with a powerful real-time data processing software, written by Fraunhofer ITWM, enables multilayer thickness measurements at 1600 Hz.
LARA – Laser Ranging Sensor with Micrometer accuracy
A novel concept for high accuracy laser ranging for industrial application, e.g., for mapping a surface topography with kHz rate and micron accuracy, will be presented. With its large ambiguity range compared to OCT systems, the LARA-sensor can measure through the scanner- or processing optics, colinear with a processing laser, over cm distances. LARA consists of a unique all-fiber optical measurement arrangement that derives the object distance with high precision from an RF signal. The LARA ranging scheme is highly insensitive to ambient light reaching the detector. The ranging concept underlying LARA differs from all other systems currently available on the market.
TOPTICA Application Panels, Poster Sessions, and Networking Events
Meet our colleagues in hall A4.171 at the World of QUANTUM! With the premier of the World of QUANTUM, Messe München will explore the most exciting field of the future in photonics: quantum technology and its potential applications in areas including computing and cryptography, sensing and imaging, communications, and medicine.
Do you know all about quantum technology? Play the quiz at our booth in hall A4.171 and win Schroedinger’s cat (maybe)…
More live demos can be expected at our booth in hall B5.103. To learn more about these or any other products that TOPTICA has to offer, we encourage you to visit our booth and challenge us with your application – at any wavelength!
We look forward to your visit!
Would you like personal advice and to make an appointment in advance? With pleasure! Please simply fill out the free guest ticket form or contact us at +49 89 85837-0. We are already looking forward to your questions and to stimulating discussions.
TOPTICA has been developing, producing, and marketing high-end lasers and laser systems for science, research, and industry for more than 20 years. The portfolio includes diode lasers, ultrafast fiber lasers, terahertz systems, and optical frequency combs.
Worldwide, TOPTICA has 400 employees in six business units with a consolidated group revenue of €100 million.
TOPTICA Photonics AG
Lochhamer Schlag 19
82166 Gräfelfing
Telefon: +49 (89) 85837-0
Telefax: +49 (89) 85837-200
Senior Marketing Manager
Telefon: +49 (89) 85837-0
Fax: +49 (89) 85837-200
E-Mail: jan.brubacher@toptica.com