Optische Technologien

Z-LASER at JEC World 2022

  • From May 3 – 5 at the Villepinte Exhibition Centre, Paris Nord
  • Visit Z-LASER at booth 6P72
  • Laser projectors and the software "ZLP-Suite" in focus

JEC World in Paris is the global trade show for composite materials. With over 43,000 visitors, hundreds of product launches, award ceremonies, startup competitions, conferences, live product demonstrations, innovation concepts and networking opportunities, the show is a must-attend event for the industry. Z-LASER will of course also be present in Paris as one of 1300 exhibitors. You will find the Freiburg-based company at booth 6P72.

Laser projectors for composite applications

One focus of Z-LASER’s presence at JEC World will be laser projection solutions. Industrial laser projectors play a critical role in composite manufacturing and processing. They serve as optical guidance systems, enabling many manufacturing processes to work without templates: Laser projectors such as the ZLP2 indicate directly on the workpiece how to position tools or mount material. Optimized for 2D and 3D applications, they provide highly accurate projection in the sub-millimeter range. The optical angles (80° x 80°) allow coverage of large work areas. By allowing Z-LASER projectors to be combined into multi-projection systems, large and very complex projections are possible (e.g., in shipbuilding or wind blade construction for wind turbines).

Trade show highlight: The ZLP suite

An integral part of a laser projector is the accompanying software. That is why the ZLP Suite is the focus of the Freiburg-based company’s trade show presentation. The reason is simple: The ZLP-Suite software makes it possible for users to operate laser projectors quickly and easily via an intuitive graphical interface or to integrate them flexibly into existing applications via a programming interface. To simplify the integration of ZLP projectors from Z-LASER into customers‘ own software, SDKs in the programming languages C++, C# and Python are provided free of charge. The experts on site will be happy to advise you. At the booth Roland Fritz and Philipp Waibel are looking forward to your visit. You are welcome to make a consultation appointment in advance by e-mail.

Digital trade fair experience from anywhere

JEC World 2022 will also be available online, offering attendees the opportunity to visit exhibitors‘ digital booths, chat with each other and participate in the entire event program via live stream and recordings. Live impressions from Paris directly from the Z-LASER booth can also be experienced on LinkedIn.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Merzhauser Str. 134
79100 Freiburg
Telefon: +49 (761) 29644-44

Matthias Domes
Marketing & Design Manager
Telefon: +4976129644310
Fax: +49 (761) 29644-55
E-Mail: domes@z-laser.de
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