
Citkar ready to scale with new investor and management

The Berlin-based mobility company Citkar has found a new investor in Bloomit Ventures, the Dutch accelerator for light electric vehicles, originated by the founders of Babboe Cargo Bikes. Citkar, manufacturer of e-cargo bikes for last-mile delivery, is now led by a new management team Stefan Räth (operations) and Andreas Schäfer (technology).

Citkar produces four-wheeled pedelecs that combine the best aspects of a delivery van with the benefits of an e-bike. A smart mix of low running costs, zero-emission transport and a small road footprint with comfort, weather protection and a high carrying capacity. Together with Bloomit, Citkar aims to quickly scale up in cities in Europe and beyond.


Before series production started in 2020 in Berlin-Marzahn, Citkar spent many years developing. Over time, a variety of prototypes have been crafted to meet the needs of the market. Recent prototypes have won several awards, including Best of Mobility Award (2019), Green Product Award (2020) and German Award for Sustainability (2021).


With 4 wheels, a covered cabin, a steering wheel, cup and telephone holder, an adjustable seat with backrest, light indicators, a large cargo space, etc., the Citkar looks like a van. But it is an e-bike (width: 98 cm). Cycling is supported by a strong e-motor (250W) and two batteries (1600 Wh), rechargeable in 3 to 5 hours in any regular outlet, with a range of 60 km. Tech specs that make the Citkar exceptional can be found here.


Citkar is active in 7 countries, with various big brand clients and a growing turnover. To handle the growing demand and varied needs, both operationally and technically, Citkar is now led by a joint Management: Stefan Räth is CEO with a profound background in finance and operations, while Andreas Schäfer, CTO and co-founder of Citkar, is responsible for technical development and production.


Last mile city logistics is a growing challenge. However, electrifying delivery vans will not solve traffic jams or parking pressure. Citkar and Bloomit share the same vision that the Electric Vehicle Transition is a great opportunity to choose for smart and smaller urban vehicles that take up less space, use less energy, create less unsafety and deliver major health benefits, e.g. in terms of emissions of pollutants or noise. Citkar is a great example of a clean, easy and accessible transport solution for everyone aged 16 and over.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

citkar GmbH
Pyramidenring 12
12681 Berlin
Telefon: +49 (30) 5490668-40

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