Comments on the figures for the first quarter of 2022
After an initial delay, the projects won last year have now started in full. Recruiting employees remains a challenge for NorCom to fully realize the sales potential of the projects and to be able to process orders adequately. NorCom can compensate for short-term bottlenecks by employing external staff, but this has a negative impact on the margin. NorCom therefore conducts intensive recruiting to cover the need for personnel and to replace external employees with internal ones.
"Our business development is in stable waters: Although sales are still below plan, we can regularly agree on further orders with our long-standing customers," comments Dr. Tobias Abthoff the business development in the first quarter. "The focus is now on optimizing our project work for greater profitability and of course, further expanding the business."
Strategy: flexible offers
NorCom relies on a flexible and integrated offer, the boundaries between project and product business are becoming more blurred. One approach to acquiring new customers is to lower the barrier to entry in the product business. This is done through a flexible range of apps that customers can use without a large initial investment.
To expand existing business relationships, the consulting and product teams are more closely integrated. For customers who have installed DaSense, NorCom takes on the creation of individual AI modules in project orders, for example. For consulting customers, NorCom can draw on software components that have already been developed.
NorCom also focuses on the openness of the offer: NorCom integrates all existing third-party systems – but also has its own software integrated into third-party providers. With the AI app development kit, NorCom offers customers and partners the opportunity to develop their own AI apps.
After Corona, the war in Ukraine and rising inflation are now causing uncertainty in planning. Despite the uncertain situation, NorCom expects a slight increase in revenue in 2022 compared to the previous year. NorCom expects several new tenders in 2022 about digitalization in public administration, as the current government is focusing on this. The orders from the public administration and additional orders from the new Professional Services area are intended to stabilize the business and allow it to grow.
NorCom bietet technologische Lösungen für Themen, die fast alle großen Konzerne sowie große öffentliche Verwaltungen vor Herausforderungen stellen: Das schnelle, sichere Arbeiten mit und Austauschen von großen Datenmengen, Information Governance, rechtskonformes Data Lifecycle Management sowie der Einsatz von künstlicher Intelligenz und Data Analytics in den genannten Bereichen.
NorCom Information Technology GmbH & Co. KGaA
Gabelsbergerstraße 4
80333 München
Telefon: +49 (89) 93948-0
Telefax: +49 (89) 93948-111
Investor Relations
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