Composites United publishes 2021 Market Report
In summary, the global carbon fiber market is of course not entirely unaffected in the very dynamic overall market environment, particularly against the background of the current crisis situations. While the current situation continues to have a noticeable impact on the commercial aviation segment, for example, there are also optimistic growth potentials, such as in the wind energy sector. Although the overall picture of the current reporting year 2021 is characterized by significant challenges in a tense global economic situation, the broad diversification of the market for carbon composites (CC) in particular is proving to be substantial. The overriding positioning in the high-tech sector with, in some cases, high certification requirements, as well as the broad-based market access in terms of product portfolio and fields of application have a stabilizing effect. The great flexibility and willingness to innovate in combination with the high unique selling propositions of the CC materials class demonstrate the potential for new growth impulses.
The complete report is available to all members of Composites United free of charge. Non-members have the option to purchase the full report. A highly consolidated short version as an overview is available to the public on the CU website.
Your contact for questions about the report and for orders:
Michael Sauer: market.report@composites-united.com
Composites United e.V. (CU) ist eines der weltweit größten Netzwerke für faserbasierten multimaterialen Leichtbau. Rund 350 Mitglieder haben sich zu diesem leistungsstarken Industrie- und Forschungsverbund zusammengeschlossen. Mehrere Regional- und Fachabteilungen tragen die Vereinsaktivitäten in der gesamten DACH-Region, dazu kommen internationale Vertretungen in Japan, Süd-Korea, China und Indien.
Der Composites United e.V. entstand mit Wirkung zum 01. Januar 2019 aus der Fusion der beiden vorbestehenden Vereine Carbon Composites e.V. und CFK Valley e.V. Sitz des Composites United e.V. ist Berlin, daneben bleiben Augsburg und Stade als eingeführte Standorte erhalten.
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