Crypto mining and scalability – how our hardware helps generate more revenue
The best way to implement this project is when crypto mining farms are delivered ready-to-go, as is the case with us.
Tax relief and the possibility of depreciating hardware make entry into the crypto mining business even more attractive.
However, it is the case that every entrepreneur has an interest in scalability – a working concept must be duplicatable so that sales and income are not capped and can be easily increased over the years.
Good number of devices
We can fulfill this wish of our customers in two ways. On the one hand, we always advise interested parties not to buy just one device, but rather 3 or 4, since the setup for a crypto mining operation makes little sense due to its complexity for a single device. Mining hardware can be viewed as an in-house employee who is active 365 days a year and does not take sick days or holidays. So why not hire several employees who can achieve much more together than one person? Scalability is especially fun with successful projects, so that it can be realized on the one hand by the number of devices purchased. Americans like to say, "the more the merrier," meaning "the more that join, the better the party.“
Mine different coins
On the other hand, scalability can be achieved by the fact that we offer a nice selection of different mining devices and can therefore also mine different cryptocurrencies. With our hardware we not only enable Bitcoin mining, but also Dash, Ethereum, Kadena, Litecoin and Dogecoin mining. This is attractive, among other things, because we have high-quality hardware from the market leader in our range, such as some models from Bitmain’s Antminer series. For example, someone who wants to participate in crypto mining as an alternative to Bitcoin can mine Ethereum and Kadena in parallel and, after amortization, achieve more profits through diversification than if they were only betting on a single cryptocurrency. We also present two possible crypto mining pools on our site that miners can join.
A well-rounded portfolio
With us you will not only find great opportunities to scale your crypto yields, but also easy entry options that are not a matter of course everywhere. From state-of-the-art individual devices to ready-made crypto mining farms that are already connected and diligently making money, we can offer everything. Our customers are happy about highly profitable crypto mining and fast and professional implementation.
Smart IT Alliance GmbH, specializing in the delivery of crypto mining hardware and crypto mining farms, inspires its customers with well thought-out system configurations, power and heat concepts, IT security, professionals for implementation and exceptionally fast deliveries. By operating our own crypto mining farms, countless miner configurations have already been tested, problems solved and ideal implementations for all possible variants tested live.
Customers often approach Smart IT Alliance GmbH with a request to design and implement a coherent overall concept – from bare ground or even without a suitable property for the mining farm. Anyone who is allowed to become a customer of Smart IT Alliance GmbH can enjoy indescribably close customer loyalty, full service, special offers and lightning-fast implementation. A separate subsidiary was founded in Hong Kong with on-site employees just for the faster implementation of deliveries from Asia.
The most important point in the overall approach of Smart IT Alliance GmbH is that not only the one delivery but the overall concept is seen and always kept in view for each customer. Otherwise, the miners cannot be connected in the office, warehouse or new mining farm because the power connection is not sufficient for the high permanent load, the heat cannot be transported away, IT security is not given, the noise was ignored or or or .
And so that the tax KO blow does not come later, Smart IT Alliance GmbH strongly recommends that every customer bring the most experienced tax and corporate law expert, Mr. Thomas Breit, on board right from the start.
Smart IT Alliance GmbH
TecCenter 1
31162 Bad Salzdetfurth
Telefon: +49 (5063) 6329-790
Telefax: +49 (5063) 6329-799
E-Mail: info@smart-it-alliance.de