Energynautics supports IRENA in preparation of the new Grid Code Report
The IRENA report “Grid Codes for Renewable Powered Systems” was developed as an update of the 2016 report “Scaling up Variable Renewable Power: The Role of Grid Codes”. In the elaboration of the report, Energynautics worked with the IRENA Team supporting a world-wide research on latest developments and best practices, and a series of interviews with international experts to prepare the content of the report.
The new IRENA report provides up-to-date practical guidance to policy makers, regulators and other stakeholders involved in designing grid codes, in particular aiming to support actors in developing countries.
In the global transformation of power systems – replacing existing conventional generators with clean energy generation – Variable Renewable Energy (VRE) technology has become the cheapest available generation resource in many areas and VRE shares have drastically increased in a number of countries. This development has been enabled by innovations in VRE technology (solar photovoltaics and wind) and in power system operation. Variable renewables have characteristics that pose challenges to system operation. Unlike conventional generators, they are not synchronous, but variable, uncertain, locational, and inverter-based. Thus, future power systems will be more decentralized and digitalized. Technical innovations such as grid-forming inverters and a large scale battery energy storage rollout are accompanied by transformations in the regulatory and economic frameworks, with market-based ancillary service approaches often favored over strict grid code requirements. These trends must be taken into consideration to ensure stable power system operation with an increased share of renewables.
Grid connection codes are defining the technical requirements for grid users to safely connect to the system. These rules play a crucial role in ensuring that user facilities provide the technical capabilities relied upon by system operators to maintain stable and secure system operation. Grid codes and their requirements are evolving in order to accommodate the changing needs of the power systems within their jurisdiction.
IRENA Report “Grid Codes for Renewable Powered Systems”:
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