SBD Automotive moderating an exclusive panel discussion at the polisMOBILITY in Cologne
Join our expert panel, live at polisMOBILITY in Cologne (18 May), featuring Andrea Sroczynski (Managing Director, SBD Automotive Germany) with Marco Lanzetta (Automotive and Industry Director Oracle) and Kobi Eisenberg (Co-founder and CEO Autofleet) and learn more about how appification, cloud technologies and new dedicated software will be at the heart of mobility innovation!
polisMOBILITY is treading new paths with this extraordinary event concept: Away from the pure product exhibition in the direction of a forum for sustainable solutions and a true exchange. It questions the familiar, changes perspectives and will thus become the trailblazer of a new, urban mobility.
SBD Automotive has made 3 complimentary polisMOBILITY tickets available.
Email christinehensmann@sbdautomotive.com to request one of these tickets.
Durch unabhängige Marktforschung, Experten-Evaluierung und strategischer Beratung ist das Consulting Unternehmen SBD Automotive mit qualifizierten Reports und persönlicher Beratung in der Lage, Autoherstellern und deren Zulieferern bei der Entwicklung autonomer, sicherer sowie vernetzter Autos zu helfen.
SBD Automotive Germany GmbH
Burgunderstr. 27-31 (Burgunderhof)
40549 Düsseldorf
Telefon: +49 (211) 9753153-0
Telefax: +49 (211) 9753153-9
Marketing Specialist
Telefon: +49 (211) 97531534
E-Mail: christinehensmann@sbdautomotive.com