Siemens Healthineers wins the Digital Treasury Excellence Award at the 33rd Finanzsymposium 2022
TFAI – Trade Finance Artificial Intelligence
Submitted by Siemens AG
Project team:
- Alexander Brenner, Head of Global Coordination and Development CFF Trade Finance Advisory
- Florian Leifeld, Head of Data Analytics CF F Operations
The goal was to develop and implement an AI-based analysis tool for identifying and mitigating risks from warranty clauses.
Based on a collection of essential warranty clauses from experts, a "sample base" was developed for a machine learning tool that was able to correctly identify about 80% of the clauses.
Submitted by Autoneum Management AG
Project team:
- Janko Hahn, Head Treasury Operations
The aim was to create additional benefits through digitalization in treasury and to find out whether digitalization approaches and "real time" solutions can increase efficiency and security. In addition, the project aimed to find out whether new digital technologies (e.g. blockchain) can support financing issues or expand the catalog of instruments on the financing side.
"From Seed to Harvest: New directions in digital liquidity assurance
Submitted by Landgard eG
Project team:
- Michael Maas, Head of Finance and Accounting
- Patrizia Götz, Team Leader Accounts Payable
The goal for the company in the horticultural sector was to find an alternative to classic trade credit insurance in order to increase transparency and resilience in the supply chain.
The provision of guarantees was to be automated and digitalized.
A digital solution was developed together with NORD/LB and Traxpay and enables suppliers to individually insure their delivery period and also to participate in a supplier early payment program (dynamic discounting).
And the winner is:
Siemens Healthineers – The digital hub – a central, bank-independent trade finance platform
Project team:
- Sven Eckert, Head of Treasury IT
- Lisa Koebrich, Project Lead Treasury IT
- Milan Kaladjdzic, Head of Trade Finance / Sponsor
- Tim Bachinger, Project Lead Trade Finance
- Martin Jungbauer, Project Lead Trade Finance SWIFT for corporates
Due to the company’s IPO and the establishment of an independent Treasury & Finance organization, it was decided to develop a new, stand-alone trade finance settlement platform.
The goal was to develop a centrally controlled, global, bank-independent TF solution that increases productivity through digitalization, enables automated bank communication and optimizes adjacent areas.
The prize money of EUR 5,000 thus went to the Siemens Caring Hand association.
We would like to thank all those who voted at the Finance Symposium and the prominent jury, which was responsible for pre-selecting the nominees.
- Benjamin Altmeyer, Director Treasury Process & Application Management, REWE Group
- Lukas Leuprecht, Group Treasury – Corporate Finance, Hofer Financial Services
- Camillo Pachmann, CEO MLreef GmbH
- Andreas Sowa, Head of Treasury, McKesson Europe AG
About Finanzsymposium
For more than 30 years, the Finance Symposium has developed into the most important industry gathering for treasurers and finance managers in German-speaking countries. Every year, around 2,100 finance experts meet to discuss together, make contacts and receive new impetus. The outstanding congress program offers visitors a broad spectrum of professionally challenging topics from finance and treasury management in three days. In over 170 forums, workshops and expert panels, participants will learn about the latest developments in finance and treasury. The speakers are high-ranking finance managers from major companies and prominent guests from politics and business. The most important banks, system providers and financial service providers in the industry will present themselves on 1,000 m2 of exhibition space.
For more information and tickets, visit: www.finanzsymposium.com
Traxpay is a fast-growing Supply Chain Finance platform that operates globally from Europe with a multi-bank approach. With the mission to become the "Platform of Choice" for buyers, suppliers and banks, Traxpay enables companies to manage their working capital in a simple, secure and sustainable way using all standard Supply Chain Finance tools.
Established financial institutions such as Deutsche Bank, Nord/LB, LBBW, KfW IPEX-Bank or Raiffeisen Bank International trust Traxpay’s financing solution and maintain strategic partnerships with the company. Through a new Sustainable Supply Chain Finance program, platform users can financially incentivize the sustainability of their supply chains
Traxpay ist eine schnell wachsende Online-Plattform für Lieferantenfinanzierung, die mit einem Multibanken-Ansatz aus Europa heraus global agiert und schon heute Lieferanten in über 30 Ländern bedient. Mit der Mission, die „Platform of Choice“ für Käufer, Lieferanten und Banken zu werden, ermöglicht Traxpay Unternehmen ein einfaches, sicheres und nachhaltiges Working Capital Management mit allen gängigen Instrumenten der Lieferkettenfinanzierung.
Etablierte Finanzinstitute wie die Deutsche Bank, DZ Bank, Nord/LB, LBBW, Raiffeisen Bank International und die KfW IPEX-Bank vertrauen der Finanzierungslösung von Traxpay und pflegen strategische Partnerschaften mit dem Unternehmen. Durch ein neues Sustainable-Supply-Chain-Finance-Programm können Plattformnutzer die Nachhaltigkeit ihrer Lieferketten finanziell incentivieren.
Traxpay GmbH
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60327 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon: +49 (69) 597 721 535
Head of Marketing and Communications
Telefon: +49 (69) 5977215-34
E-Mail: birgit.hass@traxpay.com