Thorough and gentle cleaning of finned heat exchangers
The new solution for cleaning smaller heat exchangers:
mycon offers a new device series which works under the same procedural principle for cleaning air conditioning systems and refrigerating plants within buildings. Light-weight, handy, robust: The JetBoy-cleaning treatment is an effective solution for refrigerating plants and air conditioning-systems within buildings. JetBoy utilizes a water volume of approximately 0.10-0.40 l/min at a compressed air consumption of 420 – 2,200 l/min.
JetMaster has shown itself to be oversized for the cleaning of smaller constructions. mycon, therefore, developed their new series JetBoy and JetBoy SP. The patented cleaning method of JetBoy helps to avoid damaging fins, even delicate ones. In most cases, JetBoy only utilizes water and compressed air, however, adding gentle chemical additives for special applications is also possible. mycon supplies according cleaning agents which follow environmentally friendly guidelines and are separator-friendly.
JetBoy’s efficiency is convincing
JetBoy’s efficiency has also convinced an institute of nuclear research. After a test operation the customer ordered two machines of the larger version JetBoy SP for cleaning heat exchangers in this sector.
Utilization of JetBoy in a data processing service center
The JetBoy’s efficiency is so high that its smallest model is able to clean 160 m² of heat exchanger surface in a data processing service center with just 420 l/min of compressed air. After having tested a rental machine for a while, the customer ordered the smaller version of the JetBoy and additionally obtained a small compressor for it, with a performance of 500l/min.
mycon offers machines for sale as well as for rent. They can also be rented for an operating time of one week minimum. Briefing on-site is not necessary as they are built to be very user-friendly. mycon delivers their machines in special boxes within the agreed time and collects them.
A fair offer:
Test first, then buy in case of high operation demand. If you decide to buy the machine after a trial rental period, the costs are going to be charged against the purchase price.
Die mycon GmbH ist als Schwesterfirma des Dienstleistungsunternehmens Kipp Umwelttechnik GmbH in Entwicklung, Produktion und Vertrieb neuer Produkte und Automatisierungstechniken tätig.
Die mycon GmbH beliefert aktuell Kunden in ca. 40 Ländern.
Langjährige Erfahrungen aus dem Bereich Industrieservice führten zu mehreren Systementwicklungen und Patenten mit teilweise internationaler Geltung.
Die mycon GmbH betreut Kundengruppen aus den verschiedensten Industrie- und Dienstleistungsbereichen:
– Automobilindustrie
– Bahnen
– Bauindustrie und Gebäudesanierung
– Chemieindustrie
– Druckindustrie
– Elektroindustrie
– Müllverbrennungsanlagen / Entsorgungsbetriebe
– Gießereiindustrie
– Kommunale Betriebe
– Kraftwerksindustrie
– Kunststoffindustrie
– Lack- und Farbindustrie
– Lebensmittelindustrie
– Maschinenbau
– Öl- und Gasindustrie
– Stahlindustrie
– Textilindustrie
mycon GmbH
Senner Straße 156
33659 Bielefeld
Telefon: +49 (521) 329230 44
Telefax: +49 (521) 402482
Telefon: +49 (521) 403090
Fax: +49 (521) 402482
E-Mail: d.schweers@mycon-germany.com