Y1 and BE-terna enter into partnership
From now on, customers will receive everything, from the concept, design and strategy to development and data management, all under one roof. BE-terna is very successful in the business software environment. The company is a partner of Microsoft, Infor, Qlik and UI-Path, and supports well-known customers such as Breuninger, Jelmoli, Olymp and Alpina.
BE-terna’s strengths lie in the digitalisation of its customers‘ entire back-office process. As a full-service provider, BE-terna specialises in driving digital transformation and optimising customer business processes based on cloud platforms such as Microsoft and Infor.
Y1 conceptualises, designs and develops a variety of leading shop systems and has thus made a name for itself as a consumer-facing agency. As a result, many major design/brand and shop awards have been won in collaborations with clients.
The retail environment is changing at a rapid pace. In order to remain competitive and meet the needs of consumers, companies must continually adapt. By combining the strengths of BE-terna and Y1, both partners can accompany their customers on this transformation journey and promote the optimisation, automation and digitalisation of the entire business model holistically and sustainably.
Sebastian Wernhöfer, member of the board of directors of Y1 Digital AG, on the goal of the cooperation: "With BE-terna, we have gained the ERP top dog as a partner. This allows us to offer our customers a complete solution from a single source, and to make full use of BE-terna’s ecosystem if required. In addition, we are redesigning our entire workflow within the permanent teams, from which our customers will benefit greatly. We are looking forward to growing together with BE-terna. The collaboration is already bearing fruit, as the current projects with Speidel and BSTN prove."
Rico Hänel, Managing Director at BE-terna on the collaboration with e-commerce agency Y1: "As we continue to expand our involvement in wholesale and retail, it is important that we can offer our joint customers a complete end-to-end story and offering. With our partnership with Y1, we are now able to do this. By combining our expertise in back-end processes and strong data skills with Y1’s front-end offering, we now support the largest areas of the consumer shopping journey.”
In addition, BE-terna and Y1 are pooling their expertise in marketing and sales strategies, strengthening market positioning and, thanks to the partnership, reducing operational costs by sharing marketing channels and activities.
Currently, both partners organise onboarding in different teams.
About Y1 Digital AG:
Y1 Digital AG offers holistic digital solutions for e-commerce: from digital branding and design, to UX/UI, development, cloud services, digital marketing and comprehensive consulting services. Its headquarters are in Karlsruhe, with other locations in Munich, Frankfurt (a.M.), Stuttgart, Pforzheim and Aachen. At the helm of this company of over 100 employees are the board members Peter Schneider and Sebastian Wernhöfer, along with the founder, Patrick Scherr.
More at: www.y1.de
BE-terna zählt zu den führenden europäischen Integratoren für Business-Software-Lösungen. Als Full-Service-Anbieter ist das Unternehmen auf die Implementierung und Optimierung von Geschäftsprozessen auf Basis von Microsoft und Infor ERP-, CRM- und Big-Data-Plattformen spezialisiert. Zu den Kunden zählen globale Konzerne ebenso wie innovative mittelständische Unternehmen, die sich durch die Implementierung und Nutzung moderner, umfassender und cloudbasierter Business-Software-Applikationen Wettbewerbsvorteile verschaffen wollen. Mit einem hochmotivierten Team von über 1.000 Beratungs- und IT-Spezialisten, und einem Netzwerk von 70 engagierten Partnern betreut BE-terna mehr als 1.650 Kunden – größtenteils in internationalen Projekten. Mit einem umfangreichen Produkt- und Dienstleistungsportfolio sowie branchenspezifischem Know-how bietet BE-terna passgenaue Lösungen für die Fertigungsindustrie, die Modebranche, den Handel, die Prozessindustrie, das Handwerk und projektorientierte Unternehmen.
BE-terna gehört zu den fünf besten Cloud Microsoft Dynamics-Partnern in Europa mit Gold-Status für elf Microsoft-Kompetenzen, darunter Cloud Business Applications, ERP, Application Development, Data Analytics und Cloud Platform. Weiters war BE-terna bereits zweifaches Mitglied in der elitären Gruppe der weltweit leistungsstärksten Microsoft-Partner – dem angesehenen Inner Circle. BE-terna wurde außerdem mehrfach mit dem Status des Qlik Elite Solution Provider und des Infor Gold Channel Partner ausgezeichnet.
BE-terna GmbH
Grabenweg 3a
A6020 Innsbruck
Telefon: +43 (512) 362060 0
Telefax: +43 (512) 362060-600
Managing Director
E-Mail: Rico.Haenel@be-terna.com
E-Mail: sebastian.wernhoefer@y1.de
Siccma Media GmbH
Telefon: +49 (221) 348038-31
E-Mail: kirstgen@siccmamedia.de
Marketing Specialist
Telefon: +49 (3429) 7648-220
E-Mail: adrian.guenther@be-terna.com