Bornemann Gewindetechnik introduces innovative product configurator for lead screws
Simple selection process despite highly complex products
The new product configurator is integrated directly into the Bornemann website and allows users to select all feasible combinations of Bornemann’s thread technology thanks to the underlying rules and regulations. Users are navigated to the required component across several levels through a simple configuration process. Characteristics such as diameter, thread depths, pins, volume, radius and angle of the respective thread profiles can be determined. The always up-to-date 2D & 3D preview including dimensions enables a quick visual check of the entered parameters. "Our new product configurator eliminates many errors in the early planning phase, saving both our customers and our own customer consultants valuable time," says Moritz von Soden, Managing Director of Bornemann Gewindetechnik GmbH.
Interactive product preview and shortened drawing view for more planning security
After selecting the thread combination, users can download the product information as intelligent 3D CAD models or as 3D PDF data sheets, as well as the respective drawing information of the configured component. These also support production at Bornemann: "Using the drawing data from the product configurator, we can produce exactly the custom thread that the customer put together based on their requirements," says Karsten Koch, AV Manager at Bornemann Gewindetechnik GmbH. "A very important feature here is the ability to break the drawing view, which highlights details of the end machining of the spindle. One focus of our production is on large threaded spindles for applications in lifting technology and steel hydraulic engineering, which are subjected to high loads. If these large threads were shown in their full length in the drawing view, details would no longer be visible."
The new product configurator also helps out the purchasing department: By providing customs tariff numbers as well as the possibility to directly request the price or quotation, the ordering process and other commercial processes are significantly simplified. "Bornemann Gewindetechnik takes an important step towards more customer service with our product configurator," says Silvio Heinemann, project manager at CADENAS Solutions GmbH. "The implementation of the project was a challenge due to the complexity of the thread profiles, which we mastered together thanks to very effective teamwork."
For more information on the CADENAS interactive product configurator, visit:
More information about Bornemann Gewindetechnik at:
Schernecker Str. 5
86167 Augsburg
Telefon: +49 (821) 258580-0
Telefax: +49 (821) 258580-999