Hamburg Commercial Bank again partner of the largest German tennis tournament „Hamburg European Open“
"It’s great to see the world’s tennis elite playing at our home location. Thanks to the dedicated organizers, this year the stars of the women’s and men’s tour will even compete in their matches in the same tournament week. This is a special feature that is unique in Germany and has not been seen in Hamburg for decades," said Stefan Ermisch, CEO of Hamburg Commercial Bank. HCOB’s branding will once again be seen on the benches for the tennis pros on Center Court and Match Court 1.
"Hamburg Commercial Bank is sponsoring the Hamburg European Open for the third time this year. This is a great confirmation for us and at the same time a sign of the bank’s deep commitment to Hamburg," said Tournament Director Sandra Reichel. "We are very pleased about the continuation of this partnership."
Advance ticket sale for the 116th Rothenbaum Tournament, where last year’s finalist Andrea Petkovic will once again take on the role of tournament ambassador, have already begun. Tickets for the clay court classic are available via ticket hotline +49 1806 – 99 11 75 and at the online ticket store on the tournament homepage www.hamburg-open.com.
Hamburg Commercial Bank AG
Gerhart-Hauptmann-Platz 50
20095 Hamburg
Telefon: +49 (40) 33330
Leiterin Presse
Telefon: +49 (40) 3333-11130
E-Mail: katrin.steinbacher@hcob- bank.com