Here comes together what belongs together
Bundled light – bundled competence
Of course, Z-LASER is also represented at the leading trade fair – together with DE software & control, the specialist for planning and control in industrial production. The interaction of intuitive software and the innovative laser projectors Made in Freiburg thus creates valuable synergy effects for Industry 4.0 worldwide.
A laser projector that builds itself?
At Z-LASER’s trade fair booth, you can experience the ZLP1 laser projector live, among other things. It is the perfect example of how laser projectors from Z-LASER can be used purposefully and efficiently in plant management and production. And did you know that the ZLP1 is being used in the Z-LASER factory in Freiburg for the production of further models in its series? There can hardly be a better quality seal.
Your Z-LASER contact at automatica 2022 in Munich is Laurenz Zimmermann. Please feel free to arrange a consultation appointment in advance by e-mail.
By the way: You can order trade fair tickets in advance by e-mail – and you can also experience trade fair impressions directly from automatica at Z-LASER on LinkedIn.
Seit über 35 Jahren entwickelt und produziert das Unternehmen aus Freiburg im Herzen des Schwarzwaldes innovative, präzise und robuste Laserlösungen, die Menschen und Maschinen visuelle Führung und Orientierung geben: Positionierlaser, Laser für die Bildverarbeitung und Laserprojektoren von Z-LASER optimieren Produktionsabläufe, sichern Qualität und tragen zum schonenden Umgang mit Ressourcen bei.
Merzhauser Str. 134
79100 Freiburg
Telefon: +49 (761) 29644-44
Telefax: +49 (761) 29644-55
Marketing & Design Manager
Telefon: +49 (761) 29644310
Fax: +49 (761) 29644-55
E-Mail: domes@z-laser.de