
How laser technology supports the textile industry

  • Leading international trade fair for the processing of textile materials
  • From June 21 – 24 in Frankfurt/Main, Germany
  • Meet Z-LASER in hall 8.0 at booth D46

Less waste, faster production, and improved product quality: these are the three most important reasons why laser solutions from Z-LASER have become indispensable in the textile industry. After all, the increased demand for high-quality, durable, and yet affordable garments means that manufacturers have also had to look at optimizing their production processes.

Convincing in three ways: Z-LASER in the textile industry

Positioning lasers and laser projectors from Z-LASER are successfully used in the industry for sewing, embroidery, cutting or printing. By mapping precise lines and clear markings as well as complex patterns, they simplify workflows, speed up the manufacturing process and improve product quality.

In focus: ZLP1 laser projector

The compact ZLP1 laser projector offers a cost-effective entry into laser projection. It is the ideal optical positioning system for applications in the textile industry and shows its strengths in nesting on leather, among other things. Of course, the ZLP1 is eye-safe (laser class 2M) and optimized for smaller working fields and short working distances.

Your Z-LASER contact persons at Texprocess 2022 in Frankfurt are Stefan Frei and Manuel Gomez. Please feel free to arrange a consultation appointment in advance by e-mail.

By the way: You can order trade fair tickets in advance by e-mail – and you can also experience trade fair impressions directly from Frankfurt at Z-LASER on LinkedIn.

Über die Z-LASER GmbH

Seit über 35 Jahren entwickelt und produziert das Unternehmen aus Freiburg im Herzen des Schwarzwaldes innovative, präzise und robuste Laserlösungen, die Menschen und Maschinen visuelle Führung und Orientierung geben: Positionierlaser, Laser für die Bildverarbeitung und Laserprojektoren von Z-LASER optimieren Produktionsabläufe, sichern Qualität und tragen zum schonenden Umgang mit Ressourcen bei.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Merzhauser Str. 134
79100 Freiburg
Telefon: +49 (761) 29644-44

Matthias Domes
Marketing & Design Manager
Telefon: +49 (761) 29644310
Fax: +49 (761) 29644-55
E-Mail: domes@z-laser.de
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