Innovation meets future trends
Expert-to-expert discussions took place in the company’s Application and Technology Center, accompanied by exhibitions, live demonstrations, and presentations from renowned material manufacturers. The focus was on the latest trends in dispensing as well as pioneering process solutions. "We see ourselves as a genuine strategic innovation partner for our customers, which is why we are driving our developments forward together with them and with the material manufacturers. Our TechDays consolidate, strengthen and inspire this network and allow it to grow," says Olaf Leonhard, General Manager at Scheugenpflug.
Broad range
Petra Michalka, Cluster Manager Chemical & Manufacturing Processes at Vitesco, was impressed by the successful concept of this year’s TechDays: "I was surprised to see such a broad range of topics presented here. What’s more, for users like us it was a really valuable opportunity to cooperate closely and at an early stage with the material manufacturers on site. It ensures that the material can be easily processed in the dispensing system later on." This was confirmed by Michael Simon, Key Account Manager at Henkel: "TechDays at Scheugenpflug adds weight to partnerships. Material processing and dispensing technology become part of the same conversation. All of us, and therefore also our customers, benefit from this close cooperation." Customers can not only take advantage of concentrated expert knowledge but also witness groundbreaking solutions in action."
Benchmark solutions live
Highlights included live demonstrations of state-of-the-art dispensing and potting solutions to tackle the current challenges in electronics. Electronic components have to be reliably protected against chemical and mechanical influences whether they are needed for displays, battery cells, sensors or chargers. Visitors saw high-precision dispensing solutions to suit the individual requirements of various electronic components. For example, in conjunction with Atlas Copco, Scheugenpflug presented benchmark solutions featuring a high degree of automation, such as high-performance dispensing with thermal interface materials and adaptive dispensing with quality assurance integrated in the dispensing cell.
In response to the increasing miniaturization of electronic components, there were live demonstrations of our flexible and highly precise low-volume dispenser for ever smaller dispensing quantities and potting volumes. At the same time, the topic of performance featured strongly, notably at the live potting station with the High Performance Dispenser, where heat-conducting materials at 6 Wm/K were applied at high speed.
The live demonstration of multinozzle potting for battery manufacture attracted special attention. As the number of workpieces increases, so the cycle times have to be reduced. A scalable dispensing head offers enormous advantages and great flexibility.
The wide range of benchmark technologies for e-mobility and new mobility on display was well received by the visitors to the fair. By presenting its customer-oriented portfolio of solutions, Scheugenpflug, in conjunction with Atlas Copco, demonstrated its in-depth competence in every process step of battery manufacture.
Outlook for 2024: Opening of the Electronics Competence Center
The TechDays provided international visitors with comprehensive information on the major developments in electronic dispensing and potting solutions in the context of global trends. Scheugenpflug intends to strengthen the strategic network and broaden its horizon even further. The company is therefore planning to open its Electronics Competence Center in 2024 in response to the constant and increasing challenges surrounding the market for electronics. The groundbreaking ceremony is scheduled for the fourth quarter of this year.
Learn more:
Videos on in-depth dispensing and potting know-how
12 TechDay-Videos show live demonstrations of our potting stations and reveal what’s happening in the industry in a series of exciting interviews and informative statements from experts:
Scheugenpflug GmbH (Neustadt/Donau) is a leading global solution provider of systems and equipment for efficient bonding, dispensing and potting processes. The innovative product and technology portfolio ranges from material preparation and feeding systems to high-performance manual workstations and from dispensing cells to modular inline and automation solutions specially tailored to customer requirements. The Scheugenpflug systems have been developed with a deep understanding of the processes involved, enabling users in the automobile, electronics, medical and consumer goods industries to ramp up the automated production of trailblazing technologies. Scheugenpflug GmbH is part of the Swedish Atlas Copco group and has a global footprint with sales offices, service centers and customer support centers. The specialist company for dispensing technology with more than 600 employees worldwide operates as an independent business line within the Industrial Assembly Solutions (IAS) division.
For more information go to www.scheugenpflug-dispensing.com
Scheugenpflug GmbH
Gewerbepark 23
93333 Neustadt/Donau
Telefon: +49 (9445) 9564-0
Telefax: +49 (9445) 9564-40
Telefon: +49 (9445) 9564-291
E-Mail: maike.mauermann@scheugenpflug-dispensing.com
Telefon: +49 (170) 3734-550
E-Mail: karin.steinmetzer@scheugenpflug-dispensing.com