Novalnet AG and emerchantpay Join Forces to Supercharge Acquiring Capabilities
This relationship will enhance operational efficiencies and boost payment performance across Novalnet’s portfolio. Novalnet already has a strong market proposition and supports global brands such as SIXT, Airbus, AXA, Deutsche Telekom, Vaillant and Frankfurt Airport. To further build on its success, Novalnet intends to use the partnership with emerchantpay to extend its merchant reach across various verticals, such as travel. Additionally, emerchantpay’s established 20-year presence in the UK will enhance Novalnet’s operational capacities in local UK payment market.
emerchantpay’s partner-orientated approach offers dedicated support, performance monitoring and strategic advisory to support Novalnet in continuing to deliver the excellence and high level of service its customers know and expect.
Emmanuel Kirse, COO at Novalnet, said: ‘Our partnership with emerchantpay is critical to Novalnet’s growth strategy. This partnership provides us with acquiring capabilities to drive efficiencies within our payment infrastructure so we can continue to build leading edge solutions that match our global customers’ expectations.’
Alexander Berrai, Country Manager Germany at emerchantpay, says: ‘We are excited to partner with Novalnet to provide our acquiring and risk management services. Through this collaboration, we’re working closely alongside Novalnet to ensure the highest level of service delivery in the European payment landscape.’
About Novalnet AG
Novalnet is a full-service payment provider that processes payments for more than 13,000 customers worldwide. As a fintech, Novalnet provides multiple payment-related services under one roof – payment processing with support for 150+ payment methods in 100+ currencies, fraud prevention, invoicing, subscription management, marketplace & affiliate solutions, reports & analytics, implementation & maintenance, automated dunning, receivables management, and end-user support, being a few of the services offered from a single source. In addition, Novalnet’s payment addons for SAP and cartridges for Salesforce are an excellent boon for large businesses that run on those platforms.
About emerchantpay
emerchantpay is a leading global payment service provider for online, mobile, in-store and over the phone payments. Its global payments solution is available through a simple integration, offering a wealth of features, including global acquiring, alternative payment methods, advanced fraud management and performance optimisation. It works with businesses of all sizes across various industries to create bespoke solutions and strategies that help them increase their payment systems‘ efficiency and profitability. With cutting-edge technology and a unique customer-centric approach, they empower businesses to design seamless and engaging payment experiences for their consumers.
Die Novalnet AG, gegründet im Januar 2007, ist ein führendes europäisches Zahlungsinstitut für professionelle elektronische Zahlungsabwicklung. Payment-Service-Provider gibt es viele. Einen Full-Service-Payment-Provider wie Novalnet mit seinem einzigartigen Portfolio gibt es nur einmal. Dieses bietet alle gängigen Zahlungsarten mit allen nötigen Services komplett aus einer Hand: eine sichere Zahlungsabwicklung über Treuhandkonten namhafter Banken in Deutschland und Österreich, ein integriertes umfangreiches Risikomanagement zur Minimierung von Zahlungsausfällen und Betrug, eine automatisierte Rechnungsstellung, ein automatisiertes Debitoren- und Forderungsmanagement inkl. verschiedener Mahnstufen, kostenlosen und vollen technischen Support sowie zahlreiche Zusatzservices (z.B. umfangreiche Abonnement- und Mitgliederverwaltung, ein nützliches Affiliate-Programm etc.).
Der Vorteil für Online-Händler liegt in der Gesamtheit aller dieser vielfältigen Dienstleistungen unter einem Dach. Es bleibt ihnen erspart, mit unterschiedlichen Banken, Kreditkartenacquirern, Auskunfteien, Inkassounternehmen, Affiliate-Plattformen und Technologiepartnern (wie z.B. PCI) unzählige Verträge mit unterschiedlichen Laufzeiten und Gebühren abzuschließen. Bei Novalnet haben sie die Möglichkeit, mit nur einem Vertrag und nur einem direkten Ansprechpartner alle oben genannten Leistungen in Anspruch zu nehmen.
Novalnet AG
Gutenbergstraße 7
85748 Garching near Munich
Telefon: +49 89 9230683-20
Telefax: +49 89 9230683-11
Chief Business Development Officer
Telefon: +49 (89) 9230683-20
E-Mail: sales@novalnet.de
Telefon: +49 89 9230683-20
Fax: +49 89 9230683-11
E-Mail: presse@novalnet.de