One Source Infinite Solutions
Single Source Composites Supplier
Our journey that started with a custom composite design for manufacturing and housing projects continues with a global-local structure. We developed composite over the years with an engineering perspective and used it in sectors such as automotive, logistics and agriculture. We continue to grow as a firm that brings innovation to these fields and broke new ground. Today, we have a single source firm structure in a composite that serves various fields such as the defense industry, urban architecture, marine and pool equipments.
Single Source Amusement Supplier
We are known as the industry leader with numerous innovations introduced to the amusement industry with composite use. We offer a complete service with our brands in the amusement parks as a result of successful development in the composite field. We consider all processes including amusement park design, engineering stages, manufacturing, and maintenance and offer turnkey services. We closely follow the technology and develop integrated systems with parks. We meet your needs from a single source with our structure that can simultaneously offer underwater, wildlife, and amusement for children.
Imagine a theme park with all elements included. From design to attraction selection, supply chain management, project management, manufacturing, installation, and commissioning, Polin Group is able to make all processes easier for you with its wide range of products, services, and global partner network. The projects completed around the world have proven its expertise in the industry.
Single Source Operator
Based on our experience in the amusement industry, we not only construct parks but also offer services in business administration, operation, and management fields. We offer turnkey installation solutions for your projects with our franchising models offered in aquariums, theme parks, waterparks, resorts, cruises, and wild park areas with our brands in the operation field. We manage your business for you.
Polin Waterparks /Gebkim OSB
Refik Baydur 6
TR41480 Dilovasi/Kocaeli
Telefon: +90 (262) 6566467
Telefax: +90 (262) 65664-75
E-Mail: info@polin.com.tr