Salt-Water Sandal will be present at Playtime event in the Parc Floral de Paris (Ausstellung | Paris)
Salt-Water Sandals UK-EU is happy to annonce it has been invited to present its more than promising collections in the July 2022 edition of Playtime Paris.
Launched in 2007, “Playtime Paris” has revolutionized the fashion industry by offering a selection of the best collections in the sector.
Salt-Water Sandal will be present at Playtime event in the Parc Floral de Paris
Launched in 2007, Playtime Paris has revolutionized the fashion industry by offering a selection of the best collections in the sector. And this year Salt-Water Sandal has been invited to present its more than promising collections.
With a retro chic heritage, Salt-Water Sandal’s story is one of a sustainable products from the very first pair. Due to material shortages during World War II, recycled leather sandals were and are synonymous with ingenuity and longevity.
Material shortages are a recurring problem today as we have all witnessed in the wake of successive crises. Ecological concerns reinforce the need to revisit the concept of slow fashion, which is at the heart of Salt-Water Sandal’s designs.
It’s time to buy once but buy well. Salt-Water Sandal are so classic that the love for these sandals is passed down from generation to generation, with mums introducing the little Salties to their children! These sandals can be worn and cared for in summer and are easy to clean and maintain and are completely waterproof!
We look forward to seeing you in the event area of the Parc Floral de Paris from 2 to 4 July at stand F19.
You can find the map of the event and our location by clicking on the following link https://www.iloveplaytime.com/interface/paris/floormap/floormap.pdf
Do not hesitate to contact us for further information and press loans. In the meantime, you can visit our newsroom.
We look forward to seeing you this weekend,
The Imoni Studios team
Eventdatum: 02.07.22 – 04.07.22
Eventort: Paris
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung:
Salt-Water Sandals UK & EU
Unit G05 Regent Studios, 1 Thane Villas
GBN7 7PH London
Telefon: +442072818499
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