Save the date for „testing without limits“ at Charging-Symposium by comemso
As the event will take place over five days, there is plenty of time for testing and improving. All participants can bring along own EV, EVSE, EVCC or SECC including own testing equipment or get comemso test systems. The testing desires are considered with the wishes of the participants for test partners and test topics. Besides the testing sessions there will be many opportunities to listen to interesting lectures from leading experts in the industry to get insights on important topics of electric mobility. Furthermore, during the five days of the symposium, there will be also time for social networking, exchange of experiences by named experts and enjoying the excellent catering in a modern environment.
All available information for the event can be found on the Charging Symposium website linked below. Stay tuned for further details in the next months and save the date already now!
Date: Monday, 8th of May – Friday, 12th of May 2023
Website: www.charging-symposium.com
Test and measurement systems for the development of e-mobility worldwide.
With its products for battery cell simulation and charging system analysis for e-mobility, comemso has been offering stationary and mobile test solutions for manufacturers of battery management systems, electric vehicles and charging stations and their operators since 2009. With its in-house development and test departments as well as in-house manufacturing (laser cutting, engraving, automatic placement machines, wiring, testing, etc.), comemso meets the dynamic and high demands of the e-mobility industry and guarantees short delivery times with the highest quality. Worldwide renowned e-mobility customers trust in comemso products. For more information about comemso, please visit www.comemso.com
comemso electronics GmbH
Karlsbader Str. 13
73760 Ostfildern
Telefon: +49 (711) 982 98-0
Vertriebsleitung / Produkt-Management
Telefon: 0711 982 98-201
E-Mail: anita.athanasas@comemso.de