The way out of the bear market
There is no denying that we are currently in a bear market. The stock and crypto markets have collapsed due to the current ubiquitous news situation (war in Ukraine, acceleration of the increase in inflation, possible slide of the economy into recession).
What happened?
Since the beginning of the year, double-digit percentage price losses have been recorded on the world stock exchanges and in the crypto market.
The synchronous price slump in stocks and bonds in the first half of 2022 is historic. The prospect of tighter monetary policy has prompted a repricing of asset prices created in the pandemic.
The forecasts gave no indication that the central banks would allow this massive correction.
So far, the central banks – above all the US Federal Reserve (Fed) – seem to be of the opinion that the real economy will not be too severely affected by the capital market turbulence. Because unlike in the financial crisis of 2008/09, the debt of private households and companies in the USA is currently not at an unsound level.
Investor fears continue to mount, however, in fact, there is no better entry into the crypto mining industry than right now.
Due to the massive slump in cryptocurrencies, an extraordinary purchase price for the hardware can currently be achieved. Coupled with our ability to set up several mining farms within a few months, there is one more reason to invest your money profitably in the current situation.
What do you need for this?
Us as your reliable German partner and the necessary capital. We serve any size of capital.
The duration of the completion of the mining farm is between 10,000 EUR and 150 million, depending on the capital size between 1-9 months. From 150 million, the completion is about 12-24 months.
Which country do we recommend as a mining farm location?
Due to the situation in Europe, we recommend setting up mining farms in the USA.
We are currently building more mining farms in the south of the country.
On request: 100% green US electricity.
In the south of the USA we build your mining farms, on request completely in the environmentally conscious style "green mining".
Why we:
- German experienced partner based in Bad Salzdefurth,
- more than 1,000 miners available for immediate delivery,
- Confidentiality,
- reliability
- extremely high availability,
- Accuracy,
- Global location search – if desired with the use of alternative power sources,
- turnkey construction of mining farms with subsequent hosting option,
- pure hosting (also for foreign miners),
- selection of suitable miners,
- site security,
- Recommendations for coverage by specialized insurance companies,
- satisfied costumers,
- optional: tax construct,
- and much more
Our contact details:
Smart IT Alliance GmbH, TecCenter 1, D-31162 Bad Salzdetfurth, GERMANY
Telephone number:
+49 5063 63 29 79-0
Book meeting:
We are looking forward to your contact.
Smart IT Alliance GmbH, specializing in the delivery of crypto mining hardware and crypto mining farms, inspires its customers with well thought-out system configurations, power and heat concepts, IT security, professionals for implementation and exceptionally fast deliveries. By operating our own crypto mining farms, countless miner configurations have already been tested, problems solved and ideal implementations for all possible variants tested live.
Customers often approach Smart IT Alliance GmbH with a request to design and implement a coherent overall concept – from bare ground or even without a suitable property for the mining farm. Anyone who is allowed to become a customer of Smart IT Alliance GmbH can enjoy indescribably close customer loyalty, full service, special offers and lightning-fast implementation. A separate subsidiary was founded in Hong Kong with on-site employees just for the faster implementation of deliveries from Asia.
The most important point in the overall approach of Smart IT Alliance GmbH is that not only the one delivery but the overall concept is seen and always kept in mind for each customer. Otherwise, the miners cannot be connected in the office, warehouse or new mining farm because the power connection is not sufficient for the high permanent load, the heat cannot be transported away, IT security is not given, the noise was ignored or or or .
And so that the tax KO blow does not come later, Smart IT Alliance GmbH strongly recommends that every customer bring the most experienced tax and corporate law expert, Mr. Thomas Breit, on board right from the start.
Smart IT Alliance GmbH
TecCenter 1
31162 Bad Salzdetfurth
Telefon: +49 (5063) 6329-790
Telefax: +49 (5063) 6329-799
Telefon: 05063-6329790
Fax: 05063-6329799
E-Mail: info@crypto-mining-farm.de