
BDG on InnoTrans 2022 in Berlin

With more than 18 years of sales and business development experience in the German market, we are delighted to attend this year’s InnoTrans 2022 taking place in Messe Berlin from the 20th to the 23rd of September. 

The InnoTrans has as great track record since it opened the first time in 1996 and is today one of the leading international events for the train industry as well as for many eletronics-, logistics- and development companies supplying the the industry with their technology. 

Due to Covid-19, the last event took place in 2018 and had more than 3,000 exhebitors and and 150,000 visitors from the industries relevant. 

BDG will support Elektra G.m.b.H. from Kaltern in South-Tirol, a leading producer of bespoke DC/DC-Converters for the train industry and exhebitor since the very beginning of InnoTrans. With a wide range of technical skills, the company has been producing in South-Tirol since the 1970ies and this is of special advantage today at a time, where East-Asian production is often equipped both with lack of flexibility and with enormeous delivery times. 

Elektra G.m.b.H. is proud that delivery can take place only after 6 weeks of placing the order, once of the reasons being the flexible at-sight production in central Europe, but also the circumstance that the engineers of Elektra are specialized on client-specific DC/DC-Converters. 

bdg Consulting GmbH is happy to call Elektra G.m.b.H. a client and is supporting the systematic market entry in Germany as well as taking care of aftersales processes, marketing and communication within the market. 

As experts for doing business in Germany, we look forward to a good trade fair in Berlin and invite partners, clients and even competitors to have open discussions and interactions for a colorful and interesting event. 

If you are in the train or electronics business and are planning on comming to Berlin for the InnoTrans, we would be delighted to meet you for a conversation about how we can do business in Germany together. 



Über die bdg Consulting GmbH

BDG is headquartered in Cologne and has partner-offices in Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt and Munich. With a seasoned team of skilled partners, we have more than 40 people in our team today. As one of the few sales and business consultancy companies in Germany, we are ISO9001:2015 certified and have developed several methods for a successful market entry into Germany. We are signatory of the UN Global compact and support the 10 principles for growth, transparency and sustainability.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

bdg Consulting GmbH
Hansaring 125
50670 Köln
Telefon: +49 (221) 640090-80
Telefax: +49 (221) 640090-89

Thim Werner
Telefon: 0221 – 64 00 90 81
Fax: 0221 – 64 00 90 89
E-Mail: t.werner@businessdevelopmentgermany.com
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