Kunst & Kultur

Start of the screening series On Equal Terms

Opening event of the three-part outdoor screening series with video works from the n.b.k. Video-Forum collection

Founded in 1971 at the initiative of artists and cultural producers, the video art collection of Neuer Berliner Kunstverein (n.b.k.) with over 1,700 works of international video art is the oldest and one of the largest collections of video art in Europe. In cooperation with the group exhibition and event series On Equal Terms of the Uferhallen e.V. and as part of the Kultursommerfestival, curated public screenings of selected works from the collection will take place in the outdoor area of the Uferhallen, starting August 7, 2022. The screenings will be accompanied by a Summer bar.


August 7, 2022
On Equal Terms – Relations
With works by Endre Alrust, Maria Thereza Alves, Denis Beaubois, Anetta Mona Chişa, Joan Jonas, Maria Lassnig, and Alexandra Pirici
Introduction: Anna Lena Seiser (Head of n.b.k. Video-Forum) 

August 14, 2022
On Equal Terms – Attractions
With works by Bjørn Melhus, Corinna Schnitt, a. o.
Introduction: Arkadij Koscheew (co-curator On Equal Terms, culture studies scholar)

August 21, 2022
On Equal Terms – Fiction Artists 
With works by Nevin Aladağ, Christoph Girardet / Volker Schreiner, and Wolf Kahlen
Introduction: Sophia Gräfe (co-curator On Equal Terms, media and culture studies scholar)

Venue: Uferhallen, Uferstraße 8, 13357 Berlin
In English

Free admission
Doors: 8 pm
Start screening program: 9 pm

Also this weekend:

Saturday, August 6, 2022, 7 pm
Nan Goldin, Memory Lost
Germany Premiere
Screening and lecture, followed by a Summer Bar, as part of the n.b.k. Billboard project Nan Goldin. The Crowd, Paternò
Read more

Please find more information about n.b.k., our exhibitions, events, and publications on our website.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Neuer Berliner Kunstverein e.V.
Chausseestr. 128-129
10115 Berlin
Telefon: +49 (30) 2807020
Telefax: +49 (30) 2807019

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