Ulysse Nardin celebrates the Geneva Watch Days with two new versions of its LADY DIVER 39 mm and BLAST TOURBILLON 45 mm timepieces, both inspired by the iridescent rainbow colors of silicium. Always a pioneer, in 2001 the brand was the first watchmaker to introduce a timepiece with silicium escapement components – and the Freak was born, alongside contemporary watchmaking. Since then, Ulysse Nardin has incorporated this metalloid into several of its movements, including the BLAST TOURBILLON’s caliber UN-172 and the LADY DIVER’s caliber UN-816.
Inspired by the shimmering colors of this revolutionary material, the bezels of these two new models are adorned with purple, green, blue or pink gemstones that sparkle in the sunlight for a rainbow effect.
Über Ulysse Nardin SA
Ulysse Nardin celebrates the Geneva Watch Days with two new versions of its LADY DIVER 39 mm and BLAST TOURBILLON 45 mm timepieces, both inspired by the iridescent rainbow colors of silicium. Always a pioneer, in 2001 the brand was the first watchmaker to introduce a timepiece with silicium escapement components – and the Freak was born, alongside contemporary watchmaking. Since then, Ulysse Nardin has incorporated this metalloid into several of its movements, including the BLAST TOURBILLON’s caliber UN-172 and the LADY DIVER’s caliber UN-816.
Inspired by the shimmering colors of this revolutionary material, the bezels of these two new models are adorned with purple, green, blue or pink gemstones that sparkle in the sunlight for a rainbow effect.
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:
Ulysse Nardin SA
Rue du Jardin 3
CH2400 Le Locle
Telefon: +41 (32) 93074-00
Telefax: +41 (32) 93074-19
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