Optische Technologien

Exaktera announces acquisition of Advanced Illumination Inc.

Exaktera LLC, (“Exaktera”), a Union Park Capital (“Union Park”) portfolio company, is pleased to announce its acquisition of Advanced Illumination Inc. (“Advanced Illumination”), a long-established design and manufacturer of specialty LED lighting assemblies and drivers for machine vision, industrial imaging, bio-medical and related imaging applications.  Terms of the transaction were not disclosed. 

Advanced Illumination’s state-of-the-art LED components, current mode drivers and strobe sources, combined with optical and thermal design techniques enable factory automation and machine vision across a wide variety of industrial applications.  Established in 1993, Advanced Illumination has partnered with industry leading integrators, distributors and OEMs to solve end users illumination needs and solving the their most challenging advanced lighting challenges.

“We are very excited to have Advanced Illumination join the Exaktera family,” says Phil Martin, CEO Exaktera.  “The company’s product portfolio in specialty LED solutions and expertise in machine vision is highly complementary to Exaktera’s existing capabilities. Their technical leadership and deep application knowledge strengthens our overall capabilities and will allow us to best serve our customers.”

John Thrailkill will continue in his key leadership role as President of Advanced Illumination.  “The transaction is a tremendous opportunity for Advanced Illumination and its employees to grow to the next level leveraging global resources under the Exaktera umbrella.  With Exaktera we have found a great home to ensure future success,” added Mr. Thrailkill.  “The synergies of products, technical resources, and global sales will significantly enhance the value we can provide our customers and ensure we continue to solve the most demanding machine vision illumination challenges.”

About Advanced Illumination Inc.

Advanced Illumination was established in 1993 and is headquartered in Rochester, Vermont.  The company offers its customers complete illumination solution for their unique lighting requirements. With its extensive experience in design and manufacturing LED solutions, Advanced Illumination has developed unique expertise to solve the most difficult lighting challenges for its customers. For more information visit www.advancedillumination.com.

About Exaktera LLC

?Exaktera, a portfolio company of Union Park Capital, is focused on critical components that define the precision performance for OEMs.  Exaktera’s premium brands are used across a wide range of applications and end markets to enable continuously increasing demand for machine vision, automation and enable improvements in efficiency, productivity, and safety. More information can be found visiting www.exaktera.com.

About Union Park Capital

Union Park Capital is a private equity firm solely focused on lower middle-market industrial technology companies. Union Park takes a long-term perspective to help stakeholders build value over time and drives value creation through profitably growing a business, not financial engineering.   Union Park Capital is based in Boston, MA, and has extensive investments and expertise in the industrial technology sector.  For more information visit www.union-park.com.

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