Fil Filipov passed away
Fil Filipov, owner of excavator and crane manufacturer ATLAS GmbH died on August 26th 2022 at the age of 75 after a brief but serious illness. He leaves behind his wife Véronique, to whom he was married for 35 years. Fil Filipov was born in 1946 in Plovdiv. At the age of 17, he fled communist Bulgaria and immigrated to the US, after imprisonment and internment in a Greek refugee camp. In the US, he became a highly successful manager, amongst others as president of Terex Cranes. In 2004 he became self-employed and worked as a successful entrepreneur. He successfully restructured about 50 enterprises. In 2010, he bought ATLAS, when the company was in a crisis, and led the manufacturer back onto a successful and profitable path. He had numerous ideas for new projects, which will remain unfulfilled due to his unexpected death. In due time he had made the necessary arrangements for his succession. Business operations of ATLAS GmbH and all its subsidiary companies are running without interruption. Brahim Stitou remains responsible as CEO of all ATLAS companies. He possesses all legal authority to make necessary decisions. The funeral of Fil Filipov took place under the participation of the immediate family only.
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:
Atlas GmbH
Atlasstrasse 6
27777 Ganderkesee
Telefon: +49 (4222) 954-0
Telefax: +49 (4222) 954-220
Joachim Teubert
Teubert Kommunikation
Telefon: +49 (4293) 7894-890
E-Mail: teubert@teubert-kommunikation.de
Teubert Kommunikation
Telefon: +49 (4293) 7894-890
E-Mail: teubert@teubert-kommunikation.de
Telefon: +49 (4222) 9540
E-Mail: info@atlasgmbh.com
Telefon: +49 (4222) 9540
E-Mail: info@atlasgmbh.com
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