fischer group launches world’s first large-scale production line for aluminum hotforming
The fischer group is always exploring new processes in metal processing. Ultimately, the combined forming and quenching process of aluminum sheets appeared to be of particular interest. Together with its partners, fischer has now successfully industrialized this innovative process for the production of complex and lightweight aluminum components.
Hotforming opens up new opportunities
High-strength 6000- and 7000-series aluminum alloys offer the opportunity for further weight reduction in the automotive industry or other users of aluminum sheets. Until now, the production of, for example, chassis components from these materials using conventional processes has only been possible to a limited extent. With the industrial roll out of aluminum hot forming (HFQ), the fischer group now opens up new possibilities in the design and construction of complex and yet high-strength lightweight aluminum components.
The process is divided into three main process steps: The so-called solution annealing of the shaped blank at approx. 450°C to 550°C, rapid forming and simultaneous quenching of the component in the forming tool, followed by the artificial aging at approx. 180°C to 200°C to achieve the final mechanical properties. For this purpose, fischer has invested in a state-of-the-art production facility at its home base in Achern, Germany, which makes it a one-stop provider for all relevant process steps from aluminum coil to the finished component.
Potential for complex geometries
Aluminum hotforming (HFQ) meets the demand for complex, highly integrated geometries with large drawing depths, intricate features and tight radii in a single forming operation. At the same time, the highest strengths are achieved. Thus, for alloys of the 6000 series, strengths Rm>390 MPa, and for 7000 alloys even Rm>560MPa are feasible.
The new line was successfully launched with its first mass production project in January 2022. fischer manufactures a total of 10 structural components for a new premium EV sedan. A central component in this respect is the outer door ring, which integrates the A-pillar, the B-pillar, and the sill and still achieves a total weight of less than 9kg. This also includes additional reinforcement of the B-pillar and continuous reinforcement of the side sill as an additional measure for outstanding results in side impacts. The technology provides the vehicle manufacturer with a unique combination of compact package, occupant protection, lightweight construction and, last but not least, efficient production.
Individual tracking of components
To achieve high and reproducible process quality, fischer has also introduced a unique system for the monitoring of parts. Each components is allocated an individual serial number and can be tracked along the complete process chain with a so-called “Track&Trace” system. All information relevant to each individual component, such as holding times or even process temperatures, is continuously monitored and documented. This ensures that the required mechanical properties are guaranteed for each component, resulting in the highest level of manufacturing quality.
The fischer group is a medium-sized, family owned business with a global presence. The founder of the company, Hans Fischer, developed machines in his garage for the economical production of longitudinally welded stainless steel tubes and there-by laid the foundation for what is now a 50-year success story. The production of stainless steel tubes as well as their further processing is still the core of the compa-ny group. Customers in the automotive, sanitary, heating and household appliance industries, are offered a complete range of services from bending, flaring, and end machining to hydroforming.
In 2020, the decision was made to enter the new business area of aluminum hot-forming and a new state-of-the-art production facility was built for this purpose at the home base in the Baden town of Achern. The fischer group is represented in eight countries around the world with a total of ten manufacturing sites and generated global sales of approximately 750 million euros in 2021 with over 2800 employees.
For more information please visit www.fischer-group.com
fischer group
Im Gewerbegebiet 7
77855 Achern-Fautenbach
Telefon: +49 (7841) 6803-0
Telefax: +49 (7841) 6803-270
Telefon: 0784168032283
Fax: 078416803270
E-Mail: marc.schweizer@fischer-group.com